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History- British
History- British
By: Amelia Roberts
Topic 1- Radical Reformers, Topic 1- Acts, Topic 2- Chartism ...5Decks100Flashcards1Learner -
britain essay plans
britain essay plans
By: Lola McAuley
How far does the power of the state explain the decline of Chartism by 1850?, To what extent do you agree with the view tht the Chartist movement was a failure?, 'the passing of the poor law in 1834 was the main reasonn why chartism attracted mass support in the years from 1837-1841' HFDYA ...4Decks48Flashcards5Learners -
By: lily rey
1) Growth of parliamentary democracy, 1) Passing the GRA, 1) Towards Chartism ...7Decks280Flashcards1Learner -
History: Pressure For Change + Reform 1820-52
History: Pressure For Change + Reform 1820-52
By: Emily Fisher
Economic And Social Distress: Emerging Popular Pressure 1820-32, Reasons For Passing Great 1832, Significance Of The Great reform Act 1832 ...5Decks53Flashcards1Learner -
Mr Silverman - History
Mr Silverman - History
By: Isla Amooty
Radical Reformers - 1789-1816, Radical Reformers - 1816-1819, Chartism ...32Decks1,455Flashcards5Learners -
History - British
History - British
By: James Bartoli-Edwards
Chartism, Great Reform Act2Decks53Flashcards2Learners -
Britain, c1785-c1870: democracy, protest and reform
Britain, c1785-c1870: democracy, protest and reform
By: Rachel Silcock
The Growth of Parliamentary Democracy: Consequences of The Great Reform Act, The Growth of Parliamentary Democracy: Unreformed Parliament, The Growth of Parliamentary Democracy: Pressure for Change and Reform ...17Decks317Flashcards104Learners -
By: Ollie Villiers
Radicals, Chartism, CDA ...7Decks116Flashcards1Learner -
History Britain
History Britain
By: Therese dennehy
1.1, Public Health Reform, General Knowledge Chartism ...12Decks351Flashcards2Learners -
British History - Booklet 2
British History - Booklet 2
By: Lucy Mathieson
Economic and Social Changes in late C18th and Early C19th Britain - Explain why the Swing Riots occured, Swing Riots, Poor Law - Explain why the Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) was passed - Explain why the 'old' poor law system was reformed in 1834 ...22Decks156Flashcards4Learners -
History AQA Power of the People
History AQA Power of the People
By: Sajuthan Sathees
Chapter 1- Magna Carta, Chapter 2- Simon de Montfort, Chapter 3- The Peasants' Revolt ...15Decks113Flashcards5Learners -
History - Poverty
History - Poverty
By: Pat Hawkes
Swing Riots, Industrial Revolution, Dates ...9Decks100Flashcards3Learners -
changes in crime and punishment
changes in crime and punishment
By: malena nun
reasons for poverty early modern period, causes of crime industrial period, vagabonds : early modern period ...13Decks106Flashcards3Learners -
AS History Britain FACTS
AS History Britain FACTS
By: Lucas Kantaris-Diaz
The Old Order Challenged:From Repression To Reform, Challenges and consequences: Chartism 1841-58, The triumph of democracy? ...6Decks111Flashcards4Learners -
History (modern)
History (modern)
By: george baxter
Britain Breadth 1: Reform Acts, Britain Depth 1: Radical Reformers, britain depth 2: chartism ...14Decks330Flashcards2Learners -
Power & The People c1170 - Present Day
Power & The People c1170 - Present Day
By: Gabriel Steinberg
First Barons War - 1214, Second Barons War, Peasants Revolt - 1381 ...15Decks45Flashcards1Learner -
Britain - parliamentary reform
Britain - parliamentary reform
By: esmae smith
2018- Reform League driving Parliamentary Reform, 2019- Parliamentary Reform mainly occured because of political attitudes within parliament 1852-67, 2020-Failures of Chartism ...5Decks110Flashcards1Learner -
AS History Britain
AS History Britain
By: Emily Hartley
Chartism, Working in Industrial Britain2Decks22Flashcards2Learners -
Britain Past Questions
Britain Past Questions
By: Keira Layton
16.I Concern for Working Children -reasons for parliamentary reform, 18.I Swing Riots vs Luddism, 19.I Reforms passed due to desire to improve WC life ...28Decks344Flashcards2Learners -
History A Level (Yr2)
History A Level (Yr2)
By: Felix Costa
Political Change and Social Reform (1832-1846) A LEVEL, The Whig Response to Social Change (GREY, MELBORUNE) (1832-1846), Pressure for Change: Chartism, Anti-Poor Law League (1832-1846) ...21Decks52Flashcards4Learners -
A2 History Britain Essay Plans
A2 History Britain Essay Plans
By: Richard Waters
To what extent was Chartism a complete failure 1836-52?, What was the most significant cause of the 1832 reform act, How much influence had the working men and women of Britain achieved by 1870? ...24Decks1,185Flashcards205Learners -
By: . .
Magna carta, Simon de montfort, Peasants revolt ...39Decks270Flashcards1Learner -
History: Impact Of Industrialisation
History: Impact Of Industrialisation
By: Emily Fisher
Industrial Revolution, Entrance Exams: economy, Entrance Exams : Political ...23Decks336Flashcards1Learner -
Unit 3
Unit 3
By: George Kyprianou-Hickman
Chapter 2-- The Origins and Impact of Parliamentary Reform, Reasons For The Rotpas, Chapter 3: Parliamentary Reform and Its Impact, 1860-1928 ...8Decks131Flashcards1Learner -
History Britain
History Britain
By: Emily Beckwith
Radical Reformers, Chartism2Decks41Flashcards1Learner -
History AS - England and Wales 1780-1880
History AS - England and Wales 1780-1880
By: Ellie Smith
demands for parlimentary reform before 1832, The Merthyr Rising june 1831, The swing riots 1830-31 ...25Decks254Flashcards4Learners -
History Schtuff
History Schtuff
By: Izzie Moull
Nov Mock, Poor relief after 1834, why did Chartism fail?3Decks23Flashcards1Learner -
Britain essay plans- parliamentary reform
Britain essay plans- parliamentary reform
By: Jamie Emerick
How much was the British political system changed by the 1832 reform act/ was fairer representation of the new industrial cities the main consequence of the great reform act 1832-52?, To what extent does the emergence of an industrial middle class explain the increasing demand for reform in the years 1785- 1832, Was pressure from outside parliament the main reason for the reform of parliament in the years 1852-70?? ...12Decks127Flashcards23Learners -
History Paper 3, Option 36.1 (Edexcel)
History Paper 3, Option 36.1 (Edexcel)
By: Jack harding
Reform of parliament, Changing influences in parliament: the impact of parliamentary reform, 1. Radical reformers, c1790–1819 ...7Decks67Flashcards2Learners -
By: Hannah McDonald
Great Reform Act 1832, Chartism2Decks28Flashcards1Learner