Learn Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
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INT: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
INT: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
By: Elliott Mould
Introduction to CBT, Assessment & Formulation, Working with cognitions ...9Decks103Flashcards1Learner -
Cognitive Behavioural Interventions
Cognitive Behavioural Interventions
By: Hilde Blomaard
HC 1: Exposure and Behavioural Activation, Oefententamen2Decks22Flashcards1Learner -
327 - Cognitive & Behavioural
327 - Cognitive & Behavioural
By: El Yule
Neural Structure & Function1Decks15Flashcards1Learner -
Brain & Behaviour 2: Cognitive Neuroscience
Brain & Behaviour 2: Cognitive Neuroscience
By: Phebe Bakker
Lecture 1, Brain orientation2Decks17Flashcards1Learner -
Therapy and Counselling
Therapy and Counselling
By: Philip Davis
Psychoanalytic, Adlerian Therapy, Existential Therapy ...12Decks353Flashcards1,162Learners -
Psychological Foundations of Mental Health
Psychological Foundations of Mental Health
By: Guillaume Bury
Foundations of cognitive psychology: from Plato to Pavlov, The heyday of behaviourism: operant learning, The cognitive (r)evolution ...18Decks735Flashcards262Learners -
Management of Disorders
Management of Disorders
By: Georgia Elouise
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Neuropsychological Rehab of Stroke, Nutritional Psychiatry ...28Decks1,249Flashcards25Learners -
175.101 Psychology as a Social Science
175.101 Psychology as a Social Science
By: Jason McBride
1. Psychodynamic Theories, 2. Cognitive-social Theories, 3. Trait Theories ...33Decks819Flashcards98Learners -
By: Sharie Kaur
Foundations of cognitive psychology: from Plato to Pavlov, The heyday of behaviourism: operant learning, The cognitive (r)evolution ...18Decks735Flashcards26Learners -
Psychological Foundations of Mental Health
Psychological Foundations of Mental Health
By: Arriz Panopio
Week 1: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology, Week 1: Behaviourism: Operant Learning, Week 1: The Cognitive (R)evolution ...20Decks844Flashcards4Learners -
By: Kristina Shatokhina
Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, Behaviour Therapy, Cognitive Therapy ...7Decks349Flashcards30Learners -
Management of Disorders
Management of Disorders
By: Abdullah alnafea
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Neuropsychological Rehab of Stroke, Nutritional Psychiatry ...28Decks1,249Flashcards1Learner -
A Level Psychology: Component 1
A Level Psychology: Component 1
By: Eddie Lewis
Psychodynamic Approach - Intro, Psychodynamic Approach - Assumption 1: Influence of childhood experiences, Psychodynamic approach - Assumption 2: The unconscious mind ...42Decks681Flashcards5Learners -
Psychological Foundations
Psychological Foundations
By: Thomasina Larkin
1:1 Foundations of cognitive psychology: from Plato to Pavlov, 1:2 The heyday of behaviourism: Operant learning, 1:3 The cognitive (r)evolution ...14Decks524Flashcards130Learners -
By: Jai Betteridge
Antipsychotic Drug Treatment, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Psychosis, Token Economy ...6Decks79Flashcards15Learners -
By: Maddy Curry
Cognitive - Memory, Social - Conformity, Social - Obedience ...21Decks674Flashcards32Learners -
By: Lesley Yu
5. The psychodynamic theory - Sigmund Freud, 6. Person Centered Therapy, 8. Existential Therapy ...7Decks322Flashcards24Learners -
Psychology - attachment, psychopathology, approaches, SZ, offending, issues & debates
Psychology - attachment, psychopathology, approaches, SZ, offending, issues & debates
By: isabelle hackforth-walker
PAPER 1 - ATTACHMENT - infant and caregiver interactions, PAPER 1 - ATTACHMENT - strange situation, PAPER 1 - ATTACHMENT - bowlby's monotropy theory ...41Decks779Flashcards14Learners -
Intro To Theories Of Councelling
Intro To Theories Of Councelling
By: Longinus Regulus Maximus
Introduction & Overview, Ethical Issues in Counseling, Psychoanalytic Therapy ...14Decks271Flashcards17Learners -
PSYC 408
PSYC 408
By: Jessica Kojayan
1. historical perspectives on psychotherapy, 2. ethics in psychotherapy, 3. empirically supported tx: research methods + evidence based ...20Decks532Flashcards3Learners -
A2 Clinical Psychology
A2 Clinical Psychology
By: melissa siemonek
Schizophrenia, Genes as an explanation for Schizophrenia, The Dopamine Hypothesis, Neurotransmitter explanation ...23Decks548Flashcards166Learners -
Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Skills
Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Skills
By: Megan H
Omgaan met weerstand, Chapter 6 - Behaviour therapy, Lecture 1 - Behaviour therapy ...16Decks411Flashcards1Learner -
Social work 2090
Social work 2090
By: Kristen Nounish
attachment theory, Crisis Theory & Task-Centred Practice, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy ...7Decks196Flashcards45Learners -
By: Megan Ganley
Introduction to Behaviour Modification, Observing and Recording Behaviour & Ethics, Graphing & Research Designs ...22Decks502Flashcards2Learners -
EPPP - Clinical Psychology
EPPP - Clinical Psychology
By: Nicole May Spencer Hartfeld
Psychodynamic and Humanistic Therapies, Brief Therapies, Family Therapies and Group Therapies ...7Decks389Flashcards7Learners -
Low Intensity Treatments
Low Intensity Treatments
By: Anton Freund
Motivational Interviewing (MI), Self-Help and Online Treatments, Problem Solving ...9Decks294Flashcards18Learners -
By: Jade Catherine Gurtala
2) The CBT Model, 3/4) CB Assessment and Formulation, 6a) Cognitive Therapy techniques ...15Decks418Flashcards1Learner -
CNPS 365
CNPS 365
By: Kaity St. Cyr
General Overview, Adlerian Counselling, Existential Therapy ...16Decks368Flashcards1Learner -
A-level Psychology - Psychopathology, Social Influence, Memory
A-level Psychology - Psychopathology, Social Influence, Memory
By: Simran Sanghera
Social Influence L1 - Types of Conformity, Social Influence L2 - Explanations for Conformity, Social Influence L3 - Key Studies In Conformity ...35Decks639Flashcards31Learners -
By: megan anderson
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Family Therapy, Interactionism/diathesis-stress model ...4Decks26Flashcards1Learner