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Unit 3: Environmental Chemistry
Unit 3: Environmental Chemistry
By: Olivia Collis
Topic 1: A Hair - raising Dilemma, Topic 2: Pesticides and DDT, Topic 3: Acids, Bases and pH ...7Decks82Flashcards1Learner -
BA1B week 10
BA1B week 10
By: Kim Roskam
HC.2: Acute nierinsufficiëntie, HC.3: Klinische stoornissen in de kaliumbalans, HC.4: Klinische stoornissen in zuur-base balans ...4Decks29Flashcards1Learner -
By: Narjai Walton
The Imortance Of Ethics - 30%, CIMA’s Code Of Ethics - 30%, Ethical Dilemmas - 30% ...9Decks161Flashcards1Learner -
By: Paige Adzema
Conditionals/Propositions, Justification, Defeaters ...17Decks169Flashcards3Learners -
Eng and Society (CIVL 7001)
Eng and Society (CIVL 7001)
By: Joseph Epp
Week 2: PGA Seminar, Week 2: Quebec Bridge, Week 2: Lecture ...22Decks200Flashcards23Learners -
By: Jan Wilhelm Sy
Introduction, Moral Dilemma, Cultural Relativism ...4Decks49Flashcards1Learner -
A Level Geography (OCR) Paper 3
A Level Geography (OCR) Paper 3
By: Oli Williams
Hazardous Earth (Topic 5), Hazardous Earth - Case Study - Turkey-Syria Earthquake - Earthquake Impacts, Hazardous Earth - Case Study - Haiti 2010 - Earthquake Impacts ...21Decks117Flashcards1Learner -
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
By: Moritz Köhne
1. Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility- Bernie Madoff, 2. Stakeholder Theory and Legitimacy Threats- Polluter dilemma, 3. How to deal with economic crime- Addiopizzo ...6Decks115Flashcards2Learners -
By: Krystal Lau
Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 ...10Decks103Flashcards2Learners -
Geography AM People and the Planet
Geography AM People and the Planet
By: Adam Morris
Population Dynamics, Consuming Resources, Development Dilemmas ...6Decks203Flashcards1Learner -
Concepts: Exam 3
Concepts: Exam 3
By: Sharina Semmens
Sherpath Ch 7: Ethics and Morals Reasoning Exam 3, Sherpath Ch 7: Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Exam 3, Chpater 8: Understanding Health, Holistic Nursing and its Philosophies ...5Decks68Flashcards2Learners -
Geography A Level
Geography A Level
By: Oska Dean
Disease Dilemmas KI1, Disease Dilemmas KI2, Disease Dilemmas KI3 ...6Decks60Flashcards1Learner -
COMM 211
COMM 211
By: Brad H
1.1: What is Globalization?, 1.2: The Emergence of Global Institutions, 1.3 and 1.4 ...67Decks1,318Flashcards5Learners -
NCMB 314
NCMB 314
By: Unknown Unknown
Batas batas na andami shuta sana matanadaan ko dzai, Ethico-Legal Considerations in the Care of Older Adult / Medications/ Ethical Principles, Long-Term Care Facility / Palliative / Ethical Dilemmas3Decks50Flashcards1Learner -
Extreme Ownership
Extreme Ownership
By: Bryan Benefiel
Part 1 (Winning the War Within) Chapter 1: Extreme Ownership, Part 1 (Winning the War Within) Chapter 2: No Bad Teams Only Bad Leaders, Part 1 (Winning the War Within) Chapter 3: Believe ...27Decks787Flashcards8Learners -
By: Dair Lopez
Chapter 16 - Conquering a Continent, Chapter 17- Corporations and Conflicts, Chapter 18-Upheavals and Experiments ...16Decks351Flashcards6Learners -
By: Nhu Nguyen
Firm as a Value Chain, Ethical dilemmas, Stakeholder management ...10Decks206Flashcards1Learner -
international political economy
international political economy
Ch. 1 | Intro (Sobel), Ch.2 | structure nation-states, power, and order in int'l context, Ch.3 | economic liberalism and market exchange in global arena ...13Decks252Flashcards101Learners -
Behavioral Business Ethics
Behavioral Business Ethics
By: Nina H.
Introduction, Teleological Ethics, Deontological Ethics ...8Decks111Flashcards2Learners -
Learn Business English
Learn Business English
By: Paul Palmer
B1 - Vocabulary, B2 - Vocabulary, C1 - Vocabulary ...5Decks30Flashcards2Learners -
Year 3: Block 1: Medical Ethics
Year 3: Block 1: Medical Ethics
By: Sophie C
Medical confidentiality, Medical negligence, Med law and ethics ...12Decks240Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology - Research methods
Psychology - Research methods
By: Grace Standen
2. Observations, 3. Designing Studies, 3. Features Of Science ...25Decks203Flashcards2Learners -
Week 13
Week 13
By: Anniek Ml
HC.1 - Van laboratoriumonderzoek naar medicijn / Evidence based medicine, HC.2 - Het vinden van de juiste dosering anti-kanker geneesmiddelen, HC.3 - De geschiedenis van de oncologie ...16Decks389Flashcards1Learner -
NRSG 112 - Introduction to the Profession of Nursing
NRSG 112 - Introduction to the Profession of Nursing
By: Anika Wang
Module 1: Introduction to the Course, Module 2: The History of Nursing and Nursing Education, Module 3: Professional Organizations ...10Decks113Flashcards3Learners -
By: Udanya Singhabahu
Week 1 - The Nature of Negotiation, Week 2 - Strategy and Tactics of Distributive Bargaining, Week 3 - Strategy and tactics of integrative negotiation ...10Decks236Flashcards1Learner -
By: Roos Wezenbeek
week 6 HC.1 Longvolumes en ventilatie karakteristieken, week 6 HC.2 Functie en vorm bovenste luchtwegen, week 6 HC.3 Pathologische en microscopische anatomie longen en luchtwegen ...39Decks697Flashcards3Learners -
By: Richard Waters
Human Geography Globalisation, Human Geography - Challenges of the Urban World, Human Geography - Fact Attack ...33Decks440Flashcards12Learners -
medical, ethics and law
medical, ethics and law
By: Charlotte cleasby
Law, LAW 1: Consent, Capacity and Refusal in Adults, LAW 2: The mental capacity act ...9Decks213Flashcards3Learners -
LAST Ireland
LAST Ireland
By: James Wells
History and Evolution of Science and Ethics, Implementation of 2010/63/EU, Experimental Design - Parkinson ...11Decks134Flashcards2Learners -
By: bye bye
THeories, metaparadigm and others, Singapore Legal System, SNB regulations and functions, Workplace Safety and Health, Workforce Issues ...10Decks124Flashcards1Learner