Learn Dna Transcription
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TGR Medical Science UNIT 1
TGR Medical Science UNIT 1
By: Tom Grice
B1.1.2 Sugars and Lipids, B1.1.3 Amino Acids and Proteins, B1.1.4 Enzymes ...18Decks510Flashcards18Learners -
Cmmb 411
Cmmb 411
By: Zunaira Ali
Topic 1 A Genetic Switch, Topic 2 Protein DNA Interaction And Gene Control, Topic 3 ...12Decks855Flashcards1Learner -
BIOL 253 - Genetics
BIOL 253 - Genetics
By: Anna Utt
Lecture 1 - DNA Structure and Supercoiling, Lecture 2 - Genome diversity and DNA organisation, Lecture 3 - DNA replication ...20Decks248Flashcards1Learner -
Bio 120 (university)
Bio 120 (university)
By: Naomi Kobylko
Cells & Microscopes, Plasma Membrane, Cell cycle and Mitosis ...14Decks532Flashcards2Learners -
Foundations of Biomedical Science
Foundations of Biomedical Science
By: Sarah Sheikh
CBS - Cells and Organelles, CBS - Protein Structure and Function, CBS - Enzyme Properties/Kinetics/Regulation ...42Decks644Flashcards91Learners -
By: Nishad Esdor
Introduction to Vitamins, Vitamin A, Vitamin D ...30Decks578Flashcards16Learners -
Unit 1.5 Biology AS Level 🌺
Unit 1.5 Biology AS Level 🌺
By: Gwenllian Owen
nucleic acids, baisics of DNA, baisics of RNA ...7Decks201Flashcards1Learner -
By: gurleene bhathal
Cell Division, DNA Replication, Translation ...12Decks483Flashcards2Learners -
By: Jodie Murdoch
Lecture 1, Mb and Hb, Enzyme Kinetics ...12Decks479Flashcards25Learners -
IB Biology
IB Biology
By: Olivia Meak
1.3: Membrane Structure, 1.4: Membrane Transport, 1.5: Origin of Cells ...17Decks537Flashcards8Learners -
BIO 190: UNIT 2
BIO 190: UNIT 2
By: Maya Velazquez
Chapter 6: How Cells Utilize Energy, Chapter 7: Photosynthesis, Chapter 8: Cell Communication ...5Decks256Flashcards4Learners -
Gene and The Cell
Gene and The Cell
By: Ruth Hernandez
Lecture 1 - Eukaryotic Cell Division, Lecture 2 - Eukaryotic Cell Division, Lecture 3 - Eukaryotic Cell Division ...16Decks353Flashcards9Learners -
By: Simeon Hoset
Genome Structure And Chromatin, DNA repliction, DNA repair ...8Decks343Flashcards1Learner -
By: zzzz zzzzz
biological molecules, protein structure and function, dna structure ...29Decks1,023Flashcards1Learner -
2. BIOC 2306 S2
2. BIOC 2306 S2
By: Kirsty Welshman
Epigentics v Genetics, DNA methylation, Histone Code ...15Decks418Flashcards5Learners -
Biochem II
Biochem II
By: Hobin Kang
1 Tetrahydrofolate, 2 Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism, 3/4 Structure of Nucleic Acids and synthesis of DNA ...18Decks510Flashcards18Learners -
CMG lasberger
CMG lasberger
By: Foteini Kalamatianou
Prokaryotic transcription, Eukaryotic transcription, Epigenetics and Chromatin ...8Decks232Flashcards1Learner -
By: Sarah Heath
Phylogenies and Genome Evolution, Gene Analysis, PCR and DNA Cloning ...17Decks2,776Flashcards3Learners -
Molecular Biology
Molecular Biology
By: Sophie Kelly
Nucleic acids revision, Chromsome Structure, Chromosome Structure PART 2 ...19Decks318Flashcards1Learner -
BMS242 Cell and Molecular
BMS242 Cell and Molecular
By: Jack Corston
Lectures (1-15) Imported, L1 - Protein Structure, L2 - Protein Analysis ...26Decks2,749Flashcards15Learners -
Biochem Final
Biochem Final
By: Jerick Galindez
DNA Replication, DNA Repair, RNA Transcription ...5Decks189Flashcards1Learner -
Biology Honors Semester 2
Biology Honors Semester 2
By: Renee Lin
DNA Replication, DNA Replication Notes, Protein Synthesis ...11Decks321Flashcards7Learners -
By: Aleksandra Dovichak
PCR, SDM, DNA Sequencing ...6Decks130Flashcards1Learner -
By: Genevieve Benjamin
DNA and RNA Structure, DNA Packing, DNA Replication ...20Decks543Flashcards8Learners -
LF104: Molecules, Cells And Organisms
LF104: Molecules, Cells And Organisms
By: Ben Hallam
Lecture 2. Tree Of Life, Lecture 3. Evolution, Leture 4. Evolution 2 ...33Decks823Flashcards12Learners -
Unit 1 syence
Unit 1 syence
By: Louis Court
Musculo h and s, Nervous system, Respiration ...23Decks480Flashcards1Learner -
HCS113 Molecular and Cellular biology
HCS113 Molecular and Cellular biology
By: rennie f
DNA structure, replication, Cell division, death and specialisation, Cancer ...8Decks198Flashcards1Learner -
Biology - Genetics
Biology - Genetics
By: Unknown Unknown
Intracellularly - Meiosis, Intracelluarly - Mitosis, Intracellularly - Chromosomes ...14Decks625Flashcards6Learners -
Biochem 2
Biochem 2
By: Estee C
exam 1, exam 1, exam 1 lab ...13Decks1,166Flashcards3Learners -
MMD1042: Module 3
MMD1042: Module 3
By: Glisant Unknown
DNA Transcription 1: Prokaryotes, DNA Transcription 2: Eukaryotes, Endocrine Glands 1: Hypophyse and Epiphyse ...16Decks289Flashcards1Learner