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Notecards for GCSE History OCR
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OCR A-Level Ancient History
OCR A-Level Ancient History
By: Mary Jane Killelea
G.1: GREEK STATES: Challenges of Persian Empire 492-479, G.2: GREEK STATES: Greece in conflict 479-446, G.3: GREEK STATES: Peace and Conflict 446-431 ...10Decks134Flashcards3Learners -
OCR GCSE History: American West
OCR GCSE History: American West
By: W L
Plains Indians, Settlers Quiz, Cattle Ranching Quiz ...10Decks50Flashcards18Learners -
OCR A Level History
OCR A Level History
By: Dominic Bowers
British Political History 1846-19191Decks124Flashcards15Learners -
The Tudors OCR ALevel History
The Tudors OCR ALevel History
By: Kaima Ikeotuonye
Challenges To Henry VII, Henry VII Finances, Relations With Nobility ...25Decks183Flashcards1Learner -
OCR Ancient History A Level Julio Claudians- Dates and Quotes
OCR Ancient History A Level Julio Claudians- Dates and Quotes
By: zuza w
Augustus 31 BC- AD 14, Tiberius AD 14-37, Gaius AD 37- 41 ...10Decks79Flashcards1Learner -
OCR A level tudor history
OCR A level tudor history
By: Mai !(◎_◎;)
term 1, Henry 7th, Henry 8th3Decks114Flashcards4Learners -
By: Joel Shearn
IR Dates, content2Decks86Flashcards2Learners -
OCR A-Level History: Russia 1894-1941
OCR A-Level History: Russia 1894-1941
By: olivia pegg
Nicholas' Russia 1900, Causes of 1905 Revolution, Course of 1905 Revolution ...4Decks120Flashcards2Learners -
OCR A-Level History (Theme 1 - Britain)
OCR A-Level History (Theme 1 - Britain)
By: Labis Gurung
Chapter 1 - (Why was Churchill out of Office for so long, 1929-39?), Chapter 1 - (What were Churchill's Views on India?), Chapter 1 - (What were Churchill's views on the Abdication of Edward VIII?) ...17Decks36Flashcards9Learners -
A LEVEL HISTORY OCR - Russia 1894 - 1941 (CHAPTER 1 - Late Imperial Russia 1894 - 1905)
A LEVEL HISTORY OCR - Russia 1894 - 1941 (CHAPTER 1 - Late Imperial Russia 1894 - 1905)
By: Elizabeth E.
The Land, The People And Tsardom, The Problem Of Reform In Imperial Russia, Economic Reform Under Witte 1893 - 1903 ...6Decks72Flashcards6Learners -
OCR A level Russian History
OCR A level Russian History
By: Mai !(◎_◎;)
The Nature of Government, Chapter 4 - Russian expansion, Russia Masterdeck3Decks220Flashcards2Learners -
Russian Rulers OCR A Level History
Russian Rulers OCR A Level History
By: James Comey
Opposition (Nature of Goverment), Economic Policies, Wars3Decks76Flashcards1Learner -
Russia history ocr a
Russia history ocr a
By: ok ok
Foundation test1Decks50Flashcards1Learner -
Britain OCR History a level
Britain OCR History a level
By: benji Biggs
Churchill, Churchill war time, Churchill and international relationshops 1939-51 ...6Decks130Flashcards1Learner -
OCR History AS The Early Stuarts 1603-1646
OCR History AS The Early Stuarts 1603-1646
By: Leah Neville
James I and parliament, Charles I & the victory of parliament 1640-1646, Charles I 1625-1640 ...4Decks37Flashcards6Learners -
History OCR GCSE
History OCR GCSE
By: user delete
Paper 1- Germany Depth Study, Paper 2- The Liberal Reforms, Paper 2- Suffragists And The Suffragettes3Decks30Flashcards9Learners -
ocr b gcse history
ocr b gcse history
By: ok ok
nazi education, nazi youth groups, women3Decks32Flashcards5Learners -
OCR A Level History: Unit 1 Britain 1930- 97
OCR A Level History: Unit 1 Britain 1930- 97
By: lettertoelise <3
Conservative Domination 1951 - 64 booklet 1, Labour and Conservative Govts. 1964-79, Thatcher & end of consensus 1979 - 97 ...5Decks85Flashcards3Learners -
Russia OCR ALevel History
Russia OCR ALevel History
By: Kaima Ikeotuonye
Obstacles to Modernisation, Ethnic Minority Threat, Witte And The Economy ...19Decks145Flashcards1Learner -
GCSE History - British Depth Study | OCR
GCSE History - British Depth Study | OCR
By: Jessica Sultan
WOMEN, DATES, IMMIGRATION3Decks24Flashcards7Learners -
OCR GCSE History: Medicine
OCR GCSE History: Medicine
By: W L
Prehistoric Quiz, Egypt Quiz, Greek Quiz ...15Decks88Flashcards5Learners -
History OCR TS1
History OCR TS1
By: Vanessa Clark
Tropical Africa, Governance and Administration : Collaboration vs Coercion, TS1 motivations ...5Decks18Flashcards1Learner -
By: Grace Cook
The Peace Treaties, Weimar Constitution, Yalta and Potsdam3Decks33Flashcards5Learners -
OCR A level History
OCR A level History
By: Nicole Horsley
Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors1Decks54Flashcards5Learners -
african american civil rights ocr history
african american civil rights ocr history
By: benji Biggs
Reconstruction period (1865-77), The Guilded age (1875-96), role of African Americans in gaining civil rights ...6Decks85Flashcards2Learners -
GCSE OCR History
GCSE OCR History
By: Lucy Hampton
Status of Poor in 18th, 19th and early 20th century, Reasons why the Liberals introduced reforms, Dates Home Front3Decks59Flashcards3Learners -
History OCR
History OCR
By: James Reader Year12
Churchill 1929-1950, Britian 1951-1997, Cold war in Europe ...4Decks129Flashcards1Learner -
GCSE History OCR
GCSE History OCR
By: Layla Beals
Eizabeth, Peoples Health2Decks27Flashcards2Learners -
OCR History Cold War in Asia
OCR History Cold War in Asia
By: Gabriela Topa
Korean War: Causes, Korean War: America entering the war2Decks78Flashcards2Learners -
History ocr
History ocr
By: Angela Williamson
The Inter-War Years, 1919–1939--PEACE TREATIES, The Inter-War Years, 1919–1939--LEAGUE OF NATIONS, The Inter-War Years, 1919–1939--CAUSES OF WW2 ...10Decks52Flashcards2Learners
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