Learn Gi Disorder
Study Gi Disorder using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
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User Generated flashcards
By: Kara Albright
Liver Biochemistry, Anterior Abdominal Wall, Inguinal Canal ...37Decks2,757Flashcards4Learners -
GI System
GI System
By: Deleted Deleted
Grand Tour of the Alimentary Canal, Nutrient Digestion I (Carbohydrates and Proteins), Nutrient Digestion II (Fats, Vitamins and Minerals) ...38Decks1,012Flashcards22Learners -
Core Pediatrics
Core Pediatrics
By: Faith Anne Alcazaren
Infectious Diseases, Rheuma, Cardio2 ...20Decks1,108Flashcards272Learners -
Year 2 Gastro
Year 2 Gastro
By: Anouk Wijeratne
Upper GI tract, Upper GI Disorders, Lower GI Tract ...10Decks659Flashcards7Learners -
Year 2 Gastrointestinal
Year 2 Gastrointestinal
By: Michael Gedestad
Clinically applied GI I, Clinically applied GI II, Embryology of the GI tract ...38Decks1,198Flashcards7Learners -
Step One
Step One
By: Tim Horrocks
Biochem, Immunology, Pathology ...49Decks1,878Flashcards2Learners -
By: Kristin Bremer
Immune, Immune Session 2, Integumentary/Infection ...24Decks557Flashcards193Learners -
critical care
critical care
By: Hailey Dlugolinski
cardiac disorders pt. 1, cardiac disorders pt. 2, cardiac disorders pt. 3 ...23Decks795Flashcards2Learners -
By: Michelle Neely
Pretest_1, Pretest_2_CriticalCare, Pretest_3_WoundsInfectionsBurns ...21Decks1,239Flashcards11Learners -
By: Ben Moore
SOB, Acute Medicine, Headaches ...32Decks1,359Flashcards12Learners -
Year 2- Alimentary
Year 2- Alimentary
By: Arun Pathal
Grand Tour of the Alimentary Canal, Nutrient Digestion & Absorption 1, Nutrient Digestion & Absorption 2 ...37Decks968Flashcards1Learner -
GI and General surgery
GI and General surgery
By: Marc Place
Physiology, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Coeliac Disease ...44Decks1,941Flashcards145Learners -
By: Hailey Dlugolinski
Intravenous Therapy (exam 1), hematologic function and blood transfusion (exam 1), assessment of respiratory function (Exam 1) ...35Decks1,719Flashcards1Learner -
NRSG 200: Med Surg 3
NRSG 200: Med Surg 3
By: Kevin Avelino
[Exam 1] Chapter 15: Management of Patients With Oncologic Disorders, [Exam 1] Chapter 32 - Assessment of HEmatologic Function and Treatment Modalities, [Exam 1] Chapter 34 - Management of Patients with Hematologic Neoplasms ...46Decks5,429Flashcards85Learners -
Robbins Pathology GI (Chptr 16,17,18,19)
Robbins Pathology GI (Chptr 16,17,18,19)
By: Michael Dennis
Chapter 16-Oral Cavity, Chapter 17-Congenital Abnormalities, Chapter 18-Liver ...32Decks1,831Flashcards150Learners -
Year 3
Year 3
By: Léa Adamson
HF, pericarditis, cardiomyopathy (Cardiac SOB), Murmurs/valvular disease, Vascular ...38Decks3,576Flashcards5Learners -
Clinical Methods
Clinical Methods
By: Anna Logan
Midterm, Lab Quiz, Skin ...23Decks1,178Flashcards14Learners -
Yr2 Alimentary
Yr2 Alimentary
Grand Tour of the Alimentary Canal, Nutrient Digestion & Absorption 1, Nutrient Digestion & Absorption 2 ...37Decks968Flashcards1Learner -
By: Jacob Amato
Ex Cells, Cell signalling, sensory physiology ...32Decks2,937Flashcards121Learners -
nur 326
nur 326
By: Kaylee Lapinskie
abx: pcn, abx: cephalosporins, abx: carbapenems ...45Decks980Flashcards7Learners -
Alimentory System
Alimentory System
By: Thomas Smith
grandtour of the ailmetary canal, Nutrient and digeion and absorpbtion, nutrient digestion and absorption 2 ...32Decks1,428Flashcards1Learner -
SYSTEMS - Alimentary
SYSTEMS - Alimentary
By: Mo Hussain
Grand Tour of the Alimentary Canal, Nutrient Digestion & Absorption 1, Nutrient Digestion & Absorption 2 ...38Decks968Flashcards3Learners -
Alimentary System
Alimentary System
By: Isla Anderson
Gastrointestinal Tract (Alimentary or Digestive System), Embryology of the GI, The Grand Tour of the Alimentary Canal ...44Decks2,602Flashcards1Learner -
DEMS: Unit 1
DEMS: Unit 1
By: Caitlin Heim
Digestive System Overview, GI Histology, GI Motility & Regulation ...29Decks654Flashcards33Learners -
Med Phys
Med Phys
By: Enoch Koo
Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3 ...11Decks1,007Flashcards60Learners -
By: Tiffany Pointon
histology, GI motility disorders, GI motility and regulation ...28Decks1,007Flashcards4Learners -
Clin Med GI
Clin Med GI
By: Ashley Atwood
GI Lab Medicine, GI Drugs, Hepatic Disorders ...13Decks229Flashcards30Learners -
Review / Wrong Answers
Review / Wrong Answers
By: Giselle McIntyre
UWorld Wrong Answers, Pathoma - CNS Review, 3/15 - UWorld CNS ...140Decks5,184Flashcards33Learners -
By: Esther Campos
TEST 1, Cyclooxygenase inhibitors, Glucocorticoids in Nonendocrine disorders ...35Decks1,262Flashcards5Learners -
Year 5 Histopath
Year 5 Histopath
By: Alex Wood
Histopathology, Antibiotics, Cerebral ...17Decks1,059Flashcards28Learners