Learn Global Perspectives
Study Global Perspectives using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
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Introduction to OT
Introduction to OT
By: Alina Cohen
Intro: The History of OT, Current Practice & Values, OTPF & OT Across the Lifespan ...10Decks271Flashcards1Learner -
Risk Management
Risk Management
By: Adnan Nayyer
Chapter 1 - The global risk environment, Chapter 2 - Regulatory frameworks, Chapter 3 - Sector regulators ...14Decks152Flashcards1Learner -
SOCI 1021
SOCI 1021
By: Kelly Chong
Ch 1 - Intro to Sociology, Ch 2 - Culture, Ch. 3 - Socialization ...8Decks191Flashcards1Learner -
By: Daisy Denning
Soil problems and Management, Food security, Sub Saharan Africa food security ...13Decks141Flashcards1Learner -
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Sociology
By: Devina Ruthland
1.1 Explain What the Sociological Perspective Is, 1.2 Appreciate How Social Factors Influence the Development of Self, 1.3 Understanding the Historical Development of Sociology ...6Decks89Flashcards1Learner -
Role Development
Role Development
By: Tara Schuster
E-Portfolio, Standard Care Arrangements & Agreements (SCA) for Advanced Practice, Chapter 1: Practice Nursing: Doing What Has to Be Done ...17Decks234Flashcards2Learners -
By: Maryann Peterson
Environmental Health, Epidemiology, Infectious and Communicable Diseases ...5Decks105Flashcards1Learner -
By: gloria botero
Globalization Lecture 1: Definition and Historical Context, Globalization Lecture 2: Economic Perspectives - Trade and International Financial Flow, Globalization Lecture 3: International Financial Flows/Globalization and Poverty/Labor Markets and Migration ...6Decks59Flashcards2Learners -
Contemporary History
Contemporary History
By: levi malhi
Week 1, Week 2- Chapter 25, Graaf The Legacy of the Wars for the International System ...31Decks358Flashcards3Learners -
Eco Of International Growth And Development
Eco Of International Growth And Development
By: Evan Archer
1 - A Global Perspective, 2 - Comparative Economic Development, 3&4 - Classical Theories Of Economic Growth And Development ...8Decks192Flashcards1Learner -
By: Roxane Schmidt
1: SP&PD, 2: Constructivism in IR, 3: Communication Power ...12Decks213Flashcards1Learner -
By: spearceski pearceski
Protein Synthesis Inhibitors, Inhibitors of Nucleic Acid And Others, resistance - Global Perspective ...4Decks128Flashcards1Learner -
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
By: Dennis De Renet
Tutorial 2 - Article 1: Basic Social Influence is Underestimated, Tutorial 2 - Article 2: Meat related cognitive dissonance, Tutorial 3 - Article 1: Human Cooperation and the Crises of Climate Change, COVID-19, and Misinformation ...17Decks241Flashcards1Learner -
15. Gender, family and culture
15. Gender, family and culture
By: Maisie Irvine
Discuss from a global perspective the determinants of health and disease, Discuss the physiology of the HPO axis and normal menstrual cycle, Discuss how attachment is important in healthy child development ...6Decks134Flashcards2Learners -
Sociology Mass Media
Sociology Mass Media
By: Rchie Sotero
New And Traditional Media, Global Village, Violence In The Media ...27Decks108Flashcards5Learners -
By: Ty Kraemer
Module 1 - Human Behaviour and the Social Environment, Module 2 - Traditional and Alternative Paradigms, Module 3 - Social Work Knowledge for Practice ...11Decks56Flashcards1Learner -
Sociology 102: Inequality & Social Change
Sociology 102: Inequality & Social Change
By: Ryan Wong
Sociology: Perspective, Theory, and Method, Social Interaction in Everyday Life, Groups and Organization ...12Decks154Flashcards1Learner -
BPSC 110
BPSC 110
By: Choorma Khana
Development Assistance
Development Assistance
By: Anni Luoto
The Guardian: How to write a logframe: a beginner’s guide, Humanitarian Aid (HA), DA: Grading foreign aid agencies: Best practices across traditional and emerging donors ...20Decks277Flashcards1Learner -
By: Harriet Mildon
Health Care Systems, Health And Power, Pacific Cultural And Belief Systems ...14Decks105Flashcards1Learner -
By: Elizabeth Cockerell
1. Sociological Perspective, 2. Sociological Investigation, 3. Culture ...24Decks143Flashcards2Learners -
By: Diarno van Tuijl
LEC1 - Definitions and Type of Violence, LIT1 - Kivivuor 2014, LEC2 - Researching Violence ...32Decks253Flashcards2Learners -
AWS Certification Architect Associate 2022
AWS Certification Architect Associate 2022
By: Peter van Droogenbroeck
Section3: Getting started with AWS, Section4: IAM & AWS CLI, Notes ...25Decks178Flashcards3Learners -
Block 9 Health and society lectures
Block 9 Health and society lectures
By: Eimen Javed
Lecture 1 - Week 1 - Intro To Clinical Reasoning And General Examination, Lecture 2 - Week 1 - EBDM, Week 2 - Control Of Communicabke Disease Control - HS ...11Decks143Flashcards1Learner -
KPOL Literatur
KPOL Literatur
By: Teresa Götze
Berghofer, Simon: Globale Medien- und Kommunikationspolitik: Konzeption und Analyse eines Politikbereichs im Wandel, GERHARD VOWE Soziale Ordnung durch Kommunikation. Reflexion eines Wegbegleiters, Gramsci lesen: Einstiege in die Gefängnishefte Becker, L., Candeias, M., Niggemann, J. & Steckner, A. (2013) ...18Decks176Flashcards5Learners -
Global enterprises
Global enterprises
By: mette frost
Introduction, Globalization and the concept of distance, Theoretical perspective on the internationalization of the firm ...6Decks58Flashcards1Learner -
Crime And Deviance
Crime And Deviance
By: Natalee Barnett
Defining Crime And Deviance, Measuring Crime, The Dark Figure of Crime ...33Decks174Flashcards6Learners -
Intercultural Communication
Intercultural Communication
By: Amanda Nobile
Intro: Global Village (ch 1), 2: Understanding Comm (ch2-3), S3: Understanding Culture (ch3) ...6Decks37Flashcards2Learners -
Nutrition 406
Nutrition 406
By: Wanda Go
Chapter 1 Methods in Nutrition Research, Chapter 5 Nutrition Transition a Global Perspective, Chapter 6 Medical Nutrition Therapy for Diabetes ...12Decks124Flashcards5Learners -
NVC Final
NVC Final
By: Niek Huggers
1. Delmar, F., Davidsson, P., & Gartner, W. B. (2003, Mar). Arriving at the high-growth firm. Journal of Business Venturing, 18(2), 189., 2. Greiner, L. E. (1972). Evolution and revolution as organizations grow. Harvard Business Review, 50, 37-46., 3. Wiklund, J., Davidsson, P., & Delmar, F. (2003, Spring). What do they think and feel about growth? An expectancy-value approach to small business managers' attitudes toward growth. ...16Decks165Flashcards3Learners