Learn Microbiology Lab Exam
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MMD 1230 - Microbio
MMD 1230 - Microbio
By: Cassandra Larocque
APP1 (Zona et varicelle), Principales bactéries potentiellement pathogènes, CM1 ...12Decks739Flashcards9Learners -
Microbio 2302
Microbio 2302
By: Tsion Solomon
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You (lecture), Chapter 4 Functional Anatomy of Prokaryotic Cells, Ch.5 Microbial Metabolism ...15Decks803Flashcards2Learners -
Intro to Microbio
Intro to Microbio
By: Jennifer Togun
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Lab Exam 1 ...16Decks1,192Flashcards2Learners -
Microbiology Lab
Microbiology Lab
By: Melissa Dyke
lab 2, lab 3, lab 4 ...12Decks475Flashcards88Learners -
Microbiology Exam One
Microbiology Exam One
By: Rebecca Warnecke
Brief History, Cell Structure And Function, Microscopy, Staining, And Classification ...9Decks370Flashcards165Learners -
By: Vy Y Dao
Unit 3: Chapter 16, Unit 3: Chapter 20, Unit 3: Chapter 21 ...18Decks983Flashcards1Learner -
Lab - Micro
Lab - Micro
By: Els O
1- Seguridad, 1- Medios de cultivo, 1- Clase bioseg/medios ...14Decks315Flashcards4Learners -
Y2 MCD - Haem, Labs, Microbio, Cancer, Immunology
Y2 MCD - Haem, Labs, Microbio, Cancer, Immunology
By: Michelle Kunc
HAEM; Lecture 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 - Physiology of blood cells and haematological terminology, Deciding what is normal and interpreting blood count, Anaemia and polycythaemia, Iron deficiency and, HAEM; Lecture 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 - Haemostasis, Abnormalities of haemostasis, The Hb molecule and thalassaemia, Blood transfusion, Sickle cell disease, HAEM; Lecture 11 and Tutorial 12, 13 - Abnormal White Cell count ...12Decks1,322Flashcards13Learners -
Microbiology Lab
Microbiology Lab
By: Rey Rodriguez
Preparing a Smear and Simple Stain Quiz, Acid-Fast staining (Kingoun method) quiz, Lab Exam 1 ...11Decks469Flashcards6Learners -
By: Mich Ruiz
Clase 1 (generalidades), Clase 2 (microbiota), Clase 3 (catalasa y coagulasa) ...5Decks111Flashcards8Learners -
By: Lauren Fontana
Lectures 1 and 2, Bacteria and Archaea (3, 4, 5), Microbial Control (6) ...11Decks835Flashcards2Learners -
microbiology lab
microbiology lab
By: Nicole Cuellar
Lab 3.1-3.3- microscopy, Lab 2.1- Ubiquity of microorganisms, Lab 1.4: Common Aseptic Transfers and Inoculation Methods ...38Decks589Flashcards2Learners -
Microbiology Exam 1
Microbiology Exam 1
By: Anaili Abreu
Lecture 1: Structure And Classification, Lecture 2: Viral Replication, Lecture 3: Pathogenesis ...16Decks476Flashcards3Learners -
Microbio Buccale
Microbio Buccale
By: Sara-kim Parent
Origine, Classification Et Structure, Physiologie Bactérienne 1 ...10Decks595Flashcards3Learners -
Physiology of Microbes
Physiology of Microbes
By: Yasmin Yau
LUCA L1, Bacterial growth and cell division L4, Bacterial membranes, transport and secretion L5 ...21Decks1,273Flashcards3Learners -
By: Madeleine M
Test 1 - History/Bacterial Anatomy, Lab Test 1, Test 2 - Viruses and Viral Reproduction, Prions, Bacterial Genetics ...7Decks755Flashcards96Learners -
Microbio II-exam 2
Microbio II-exam 2
By: Catherine Desjardins
Enterobacteriaceae Intro, Gélose, API ...11Decks287Flashcards3Learners -
microbio 3810
microbio 3810
By: Jessyka Yard
1. introduction to microbio, 2. prokaryotic cell structure, 3. prokaryote and eukaryote structures ...16Decks745Flashcards2Learners -
Microbiology Exam 2
Microbiology Exam 2
By: Brevin Morris
Identification and Diagnosis, Lecture 10; Pathogenicity, Lecture 10 pt. 2 ...18Decks401Flashcards21Learners -
Microbiology Exam Three
Microbiology Exam Three
By: Rebecca Warnecke
Respiratory System Pt. 1, Genitourinary System Pt. 1, Respiratory System Pt. 2 ...6Decks554Flashcards135Learners -
Microbes, Humankind and the Environment
Microbes, Humankind and the Environment
By: kirti :3
1: Origin of Life, Mod 2 L3 - bacterial sturcture, Mod 2 Lec 4: Bact cell surface structure (Gram -ve) ...22Decks497Flashcards3Learners -
MCB1979 (microbio) josh
MCB1979 (microbio) josh
By: Deleted Deleted
Cours 1 (Description et historique de microorg), Cours 2 (Structure et composition Bact.), Cours 3 (Nutrition et croissance des microorg) ...7Decks540Flashcards13Learners -
Microbiology Exam 2 (Modules 3-5)
Microbiology Exam 2 (Modules 3-5)
By: Meagan Strickland
Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11 ...13Decks1,529Flashcards7Learners -
Clinical Microbio
Clinical Microbio
By: Payton Bayless
Major Canine & Feline Pathogens, Control and Prevention, Antimicrobials ...11Decks394Flashcards44Learners -
MMD1047- Microbio
MMD1047- Microbio
By: Elizabeth Lévesque
Cours 1-Classification, Cocci gram -, Cocobacilles gram - Haemophilus influenzae et Bordetella pertussis ...15Decks287Flashcards2Learners -
Microbes, Man And The Environment
Microbes, Man And The Environment
By: Elinor Bridges
1. Bacterial Cell Stucture, 2. Bacterial Motility And Adhesion, 3. Temperature And Microbial Growth ...18Decks347Flashcards17Learners -
Microbio Ex 1
Microbio Ex 1
By: Bryce Steindl
EX 1- Biology of Infectious Agents- Igboin, EX 1- Bailey- Intro, EX1- Leys ...18Decks1,031Flashcards5Learners -
Oral Microbio
Oral Microbio
By: John Fixari
Oral Ecology and Microbial Diversity, Systemic Conenctions, Microbiology of Caries ...11Decks482Flashcards36Learners -
microbio/pharmaco exam final
microbio/pharmaco exam final
By: cloée mupesse
pharmaco 5 - agonistes complets, partiels, antagonistes, Virus : biologie et classification, virus causant la diarrhée ...20Decks422Flashcards1Learner -
Microbiology Exam 1
Microbiology Exam 1
By: John Fixari
Dr. Bailey Study Guide 1, Dr. Leys Study Guide, Dr. Igboin Study Guide 1 ...17Decks295Flashcards82Learners