Learn Pulmonary Drugs
Study Pulmonary Drugs using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
Brainscape Certified flashcards
User Generated flashcards
By: Anazo Mfenyana
Cardio-pulmonary Agents, Pregnancy Teratogens, Toxicology ...11Decks199Flashcards1Learner -
TOP 300
TOP 300
By: Samantha Sanders
Pulmonary and Anaphylaxis, GI Drugs, Anticoagulants ...19Decks765Flashcards4Learners -
National Physical Therapy Examination: Cardiovascular
National Physical Therapy Examination: Cardiovascular
By: Jacob Schenten
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary: Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease: Non-Modifiable, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary: Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease: Modifiable, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary: Examination of Pulse ...46Decks401Flashcards5Learners -
RN Refresher Course
RN Refresher Course
By: Jessica Rockowitz
Chapter 5: Vital Signs, Sterile Field/Hygiene, Restraints ...59Decks1,740Flashcards1Learner -
CPR - Exam II - Pharm
CPR - Exam II - Pharm
By: Landon Younger
Drugs to Treat Fungal Infections (J-Staud), Drugs to Treat Influenza (J-Staud), Asthma and COPD Drugs (Izard) ...7Decks244Flashcards2Learners -
Pharmacology for advance practice nursing 712
Pharmacology for advance practice nursing 712
By: Megan Miller
Week 12 Depression, Final Exam, WEEK 9 KIDNEY DISEASE ...24Decks980Flashcards69Learners -
MDCN 370: Course 3
MDCN 370: Course 3
By: Bronwyn Delacruz
Intro to ECG Part 1, Intro to ECG Part 2: 12 Lead ECG, Coronary Blood Flow and the Microcirculation ...90Decks2,433Flashcards7Learners -
By: Ryan Lee
08.12 - Ventilation, Mechanics, Volumes (Waters), 08.12 - Gas Exchange, Oxygen Transport (Waters) - Questions, 08.13 - Blood Flow, Ventilation-Perfusion (Leffler) - Question ...31Decks1,683Flashcards25Learners -
By: Jecca Gladwell
ECG, Acute Coronary Syndrome, Heart Valve Disease ...10Decks133Flashcards1Learner -
Pharmacology Quiz 4
Pharmacology Quiz 4
By: Ellen Reinke
Diuretic Drugs, Pharmacotherapy of Heart Failure, Pulmonary Pharmacology ...4Decks133Flashcards17Learners -
Disease and Therapeutics
Disease and Therapeutics
By: Clayton Corbridge
Intro to Nervous System, Autonomics, Epilepsy ...39Decks1,285Flashcards28Learners -
By: Anna Marshall
Cardiovascular drugs, ECG, Histology ...24Decks1,241Flashcards2Learners -
pharm drugs
pharm drugs
By: Vic Nardo
Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, Pain part 1 and part 2, CV drugs (8) ...10Decks489Flashcards1Learner -
Systems 1 Part 2
Systems 1 Part 2
By: she ign
Respiratory design and organization, Histology and pathology of lung diseases, Respiratory Drugs ...27Decks1,597Flashcards3Learners -
To Review
To Review
By: Evelyn Qin
Embryology derivatives, Pharyngeal arches, Random ...37Decks1,709Flashcards3Learners -
Biopharmaceutical Technology
Biopharmaceutical Technology
By: bal singh
Sterilisation by membrane filtration, Sterility Testing, Colligative Properties 1+2 ...16Decks479Flashcards20Learners -
PM2C: Therapeutics and Patient Care: Summer
PM2C: Therapeutics and Patient Care: Summer
By: Wing Vong
Respiratory: Asthma, Respiratory: COPD, Respiratory: Cystic Fibrosis ...25Decks623Flashcards16Learners -
By: Izzie Setford
Lung Function Tests, COPD, Pneumothorax ...12Decks346Flashcards24Learners -
Su. Pharm 2
Su. Pharm 2
By: Kira Harms
Pulmonary, Renal And Heptic Dysfunction, Obstetric ...6Decks698Flashcards1Learner -
breathing and circulating
breathing and circulating
By: Laurel Moore
Blood pressures throughout the heart, anesthesia machine, Anesthesia drugs ...21Decks523Flashcards2Learners -
Paramedic Revision
Paramedic Revision
By: Amy Skingsley
Acute Coronary Syndrome, Paediatrics - Common Presentations, Asthma ...22Decks557Flashcards1Learner -
Step 1 - Elise
Step 1 - Elise
By: Elise Wolff
Kaplan, Kaplan Videos, Micro ...30Decks810Flashcards33Learners -
By: Rebecca Adams
Neuro OI, Studies, Antiretroviral Drugs ...19Decks764Flashcards2Learners -
BNF/Pre-Reg 2017-2018
BNF/Pre-Reg 2017-2018
By: Joe Hamer
Nutrition & Metabolic: Acute Porphyrias, CV: Acute coronary syndromes, NS: Alcohol dependence ...144Decks3,169Flashcards163Learners -
Kirsty - Y3S2
Kirsty - Y3S2
By: Robbie Pollock
IPP: Gastrointestinal, TD: Oral Modified Release Systems, TD: Microencapsulation ...40Decks1,023Flashcards3Learners -
By: Isaac Mammen
LIPIDS, Alcohol, RCM &CP ...36Decks1,430Flashcards8Learners -
CPR Exam 2
CPR Exam 2
By: Varsha Katari
Chapter 20: The Kidney - Glomerular Diseases, Chapter 20: The Kidney - Tubular/interstitial Dz/Vascular Dz, Chapter 20: The Kidney - Congenital, Cystic Dz, Urinary Obstr. and Neoplasms ...21Decks1,324Flashcards3Learners -
By: Keith McElligott
CVR 1, CVR 2, CVR 3 ...43Decks818Flashcards6Learners -
Silverstein & Hopper (+ West)
Silverstein & Hopper (+ West)
By: Katie Nush
Chapter 6 SIRS, Chapter 9 - Hypertensive crisis, Chapter 10 - hyperthermia & fever ...84Decks1,345Flashcards47Learners -
By: Michael Castellarin
ARDS, Control of Breathing- Phys, Pharm Intro ...41Decks951Flashcards6Learners