Learn Pulmonary Function
Study Pulmonary Function using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
Brainscape Certified flashcards
User Generated flashcards
By: Kolbie Chancellor
Respiratory Histo, Thoracic joints and bones, muscles, lungs clinical notes, Body Cavities ...48Decks2,223Flashcards10Learners -
CVPR Pulmonary (Exam 3)
CVPR Pulmonary (Exam 3)
By: Lindsey Herrera
Overview of the Pulmonary System/Lung Development, Lung Microanatomy, Mechanism of Breathing/Compliance ...42Decks1,192Flashcards10Learners -
By: Jasmin Maisuria
intro, pulm infectious disease, chronic obstructive diseases ...15Decks448Flashcards8Learners -
Patho Test 2 Evolve/Elsevier
Patho Test 2 Evolve/Elsevier
By: Samantha Calaway
Ch. 20 Mechanisms of Hormone Regulation, Ch. 21 Alterations of Hormonal Regulation, Ch. 22 Structure and Function of the Reproductive Systems ...11Decks196Flashcards51Learners -
Sharlene and MB's PT party
Sharlene and MB's PT party
By: MaryBeth Pierce
Cardiovascular- Heart (general info), MSK #1- General Principles of Biometrics, MSK #2- Concave convex rule applicaion ...35Decks1,544Flashcards69Learners -
By: Joanna Mitchell
Pharmacology, Physiology, Obstructive Airways Diseases ...24Decks1,022Flashcards6Learners -
By: Ryan piazza
Cardiovascular function, Pathophysiology, Pulmonary System ...11Decks763Flashcards1Learner -
01. Respiratory System
01. Respiratory System
By: Eman Manzar
1. Introduction and Anatomy of Lungs, Airways and Blood Supply, 1. Introduction & Anatomy of Respiratory Block, Anatomy of the Respiratory System ...82Decks3,593Flashcards279Learners -
1st Year Systems
1st Year Systems
By: Graeme Miller
Introduction and Anatomy of Lungs Airways and Blood Supply, Anatomy of Chest Wall and Mechanics of Breathing, Ventilation and Compliance ...81Decks3,163Flashcards63Learners -
Respiratory System
Respiratory System
By: Emily Stephens
Lung Ventilation, Anatomy Of The Respiratory System, Gas Exchange: Properties Of Gases And Diffusion ...25Decks754Flashcards1Learner -
CardioRespiratory Year 1
CardioRespiratory Year 1
By: Sarah-Louise Watson
Anatomy of The Mediastinum, Anatomy of the Heart and Coronary Arteries, Anatomy of the Respiratory Tract ...28Decks1,548Flashcards80Learners -
A&P II (Spring'24)
A&P II (Spring'24)
By: Adan Gonzalez
Lecture 1: Review & CV Function (Exam I), Lecture 2: CV Function (Exam I), Exam 1 Lecture 3 (1-24-23) CO, VR, and Pressure Volume Loops (Andy's cards) ...24Decks1,349Flashcards2Learners -
By: Sarahi Lawson
Alterations Of Cell Function, Genetic Diseases, Alterations Of Fluid And Electrolyte Balance ...14Decks545Flashcards1Learner -
2020 CPR II Pulm Exam 2
2020 CPR II Pulm Exam 2
By: Monika Eszterhazy
Respiratory, Physiology Review (Rogers), Lung Path 1 - Embryo Histo Malformation Atelactasis Edema ARDS (Singh) ...28Decks1,634Flashcards1Learner -
By: Freya Millar
Acid Base, The Role of the Lungs and the Kidneys in Acid Base, Acid Base Disturbances ...41Decks1,169Flashcards2Learners -
Pathopharm: Spring
Pathopharm: Spring
By: Bianca Helfrich
Drugs Across the Lifespan, Pain, Opioids ...8Decks336Flashcards2Learners -
Spring 2020 - Physiology 1
Spring 2020 - Physiology 1
By: Donny Le
Respiratory Anatomy - Quiz 1, Cardiac Anatomy - Quiz 1, Mechanics of Respiration - Quiz 2 ...24Decks1,285Flashcards40Learners -
Medical Studies 1
Medical Studies 1
By: Will Bradley
Polishing, Revision—Sealing the Cracks, 1.1 Chambers and Valves of the Heart ...90Decks2,571Flashcards2Learners -
Respiratory System
Respiratory System
By: Lucy Roberts
Physiology, Clinical Signs and Symptoms, Pharmacology ...16Decks421Flashcards14Learners -
By: Vince Le Tran
STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL, How respiration takes place., Types of lung volumes. ...30Decks498Flashcards2Learners -
NURS611 Advanced Pathophysiology - AB
NURS611 Advanced Pathophysiology - AB
By: Allan Benham
Exam 1- Altered Cellular And Tissue Biology, Exam 1- Genes And Genetic Disease, Exam 1- Genes, Environment-lifestyle, And Common Diseases ...30Decks1,134Flashcards34Learners -
Heart, Lung, Kidney
Heart, Lung, Kidney
By: Julia Moulton
Lung Anatomy and Histology, Mechanics of Breathing and Ventilation, Epidemiology and GB of Pulm Dis ...49Decks1,304Flashcards20Learners -
By: Riki Sharma
OSCE, Pulmonary Circulation, Pulmonary Anatomy ...25Decks739Flashcards2Learners -
Pathophysiology semester 2
Pathophysiology semester 2
By: Laney Schwieters
Oxygenation/Respiratory Failure, Pulmonary Embolism, Pneumonia ...33Decks823Flashcards2Learners -
Anesthesia In-Service Examination
Anesthesia In-Service Examination
By: Jing Alabado
Anesthesia 1st year, Obstetrical anesthesia, Neuromuscular blocking drugs ...64Decks1,564Flashcards90Learners -
Pulm by Minnie: AH Update
Pulm by Minnie: AH Update
By: Amelia Hansen
Pulm SAS and Misc. Review, Pulm Normal Values, Pulm Clinical Medicine (except MDM) ...34Decks1,672Flashcards1Learner -
HLSC 222 - Pathophysiology Across the Lifespan
HLSC 222 - Pathophysiology Across the Lifespan
By: Maeryn O
Chapter 1 - Introduction, Chapter 2 - Genes and Genetic Diseases, Chapter 4 - Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology ...17Decks2,863Flashcards5Learners -
Drew 921
Drew 921
By: Drew Spargo
Intro to CV, Cardiac Electrophysiology, ECG ...33Decks1,281Flashcards2Learners -
By: Ella Thorsteinson
Chapter 2 - Genes And Genetic Diseases, Chapter Four - Altered Cellular And Tissue Biology Class Notes, Chapter Six - Innate Immunity : Inflammation And Wound Healing ...20Decks2,173Flashcards1Learner -
By: Jhaunte Braithwaite
Cardiac Arrhythmias Part 1, Cardiac Arrhythmias 2, Coronary Artery Diseases ...33Decks775Flashcards3Learners