Learn Regeneration Case Studies
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By: Julia Ford
Coasts Case Studies, Tectonics, Regeneration ...11Decks228Flashcards1Learner -
By: Joshua Veeren
Tectonic Hazards, Coastal landscapes and change, Case Studies ...5Decks146Flashcards1Learner -
By: Unknown Unknown
Paper 1 Case Studies, Energy Mix, Globalisation ...7Decks157Flashcards1Learner -
GCSE Geography AQA (2)
GCSE Geography AQA (2)
By: Silvia Billingsley
Urban Issues & Challenges, Major City in NEE/LIC Case Study — Rio de Janeiro, Urban Planning of Urban Poor Case Study — Favelas in Rio ...13Decks162Flashcards12Learners -
Human Geography
Human Geography
By: Ailbhe Sweeney
Globalisation- Enquiry Q1, Superpowers- Enquiry Q2, Globalisation- Enquiry Q2 ...11Decks321Flashcards3Learners -
Geography - Unit 2A - Urban Issues and Challenges
Geography - Unit 2A - Urban Issues and Challenges
By: James Mckeen
Unit 2A - Urban Issues and Challenges - Urbanisation and urban growth, Unit 2A - Urban Issues and Challenges - Case Study - Urban planning in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Unit 2A - Urban Issues and Challenges - Improving quality of life of the urban poor ...13Decks180Flashcards81Learners -
Geography Y12 - Changing places
Geography Y12 - Changing places
By: Mckenna Wilkinson
Concepts of Place, Sense of place, CASE STUDY - Far place, Ko Phi Phi, Thailand ...14Decks177Flashcards1Learner -
Geography (Split into Topics)
Geography (Split into Topics)
By: Oliver Palmer
Component 3, Paper 1 Mock, Regeneration key words ...13Decks926Flashcards1Learner -
Geography A level Edexcel case studies
Geography A level Edexcel case studies
By: dexter walsh
Tectonics case studies, Coasts case studies, Globalisation case studies ...8Decks175Flashcards3Learners -
By: Annie Skinner
Costal Landscapes and Change, The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity, The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security ...8Decks348Flashcards26Learners -
Human Geog - (B) Changing Places
Human Geog - (B) Changing Places
By: Saffie Khan
Insider and Outsider Perspectives On Place, Urban Regeneration - Olympic Legacy, FAR AWAY CASE STUDY - Spitalfields + Banglatown (Brick Lane) ...7Decks205Flashcards14Learners -
Geography Revision Advanced information
Geography Revision Advanced information
By: Deleted Deleted
Carbon EQ1, Superpowers EQ2, Water EQ2 ...18Decks189Flashcards3Learners -
AS/A-Level Geography
AS/A-Level Geography
By: ruby Lygo
Hazards : Natural Hazards and Perception, HAZARDS : Plate Tectonics, HAZARDS : Types of plate margin ...45Decks1,254Flashcards64Learners -
By: Jude Baker
Paper One: Physical, Development Indicators, Paper Two: Human ...14Decks134Flashcards6Learners -
Geography Edexcel A LEVEL
Geography Edexcel A LEVEL
By: Imani Ali
COASTS definitions, Main ways of protecting ICZM-the coast/ which case studies to use/SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT?-COASTS, Managed Retreat- Medmerry CS COASTS ...88Decks924Flashcards9Learners -
By: Stephanie Apostolou
Tectonic Hazards: PG, Globalisation: HG, Case Studys: PG ...8Decks451Flashcards1Learner -
A level Geography
A level Geography
By: Jim Moroney
Coats case studes and exam questions, Tectonics Case Study Stats, Globalisation case studies ...8Decks92Flashcards1Learner -
By: Abigail Norbury
Regeneration, Tectonics, Carbon ...4Decks352Flashcards1Learner -
changing places
changing places
By: Daisy Sharp
nature and importance of places, clevedon as place study, detroit case study ...6Decks69Flashcards1Learner -
contemporary urban environments
contemporary urban environments
By: Michael Richardson
patterns of urbanisation, deindustrialisation, decentralisation and rise of the service industry, urban policys and regeneration ...11Decks271Flashcards2Learners -
By: Binyamean Rehman
Tectonic Case Studies, Coasts Case Studies, Globalisation Case Studies ...9Decks74Flashcards1Learner -
By: Alice xx
Coastal Landscapes Case Studies, Tectonics Case Studies, Water Cycle case studies ...8Decks163Flashcards1Learner -
GCSE Geography
GCSE Geography
By: Toby Brett
TOPIC: The challenge of natural hazards, TOPICS: The living world, TOPIC: Physical landscapes in the UK ...15Decks198Flashcards1Learner -
Human Geography - P2
Human Geography - P2
By: Sofia Miah
Globalisation EQ1, Globalisation EQ2, Globalisation EQ3 ...16Decks498Flashcards3Learners -
Regenerating places geography
Regenerating places geography
By: Belle Collins
Glasgow case study, HS2, Heathrow and Hinkley Point C, Hebden Bridge ...8Decks100Flashcards1Learner -
By: Leah Goldstein
Paper 1 Natural hazards, Paper 1 Weather Hazards, Paper 1 Climate Change ...9Decks412Flashcards1Learner -
Geography Regeneration
Geography Regeneration
By: Poppy Bradbury
Canary Wharf Case Study, Kelham Case Study, Successful Place: Sydney ...10Decks23Flashcards2Learners -
Geography Paper 2
Geography Paper 2
By: Jack Knowles
Hull 2017 case study, Urban regeneration schemes, global governance key words ...4Decks27Flashcards1Learner -
Human Geog
Human Geog
By: Georgia Byrne
4A Regenerating Places, Globalisation, Case Studies ...5Decks144Flashcards1Learner -
Geog Paper 2
Geog Paper 2
By: eee iii
The UK's evolving physical landscape, Physical geography - Rivers, The UK's evolving human landscape ...12Decks70Flashcards1Learner