Learn Social Science 5 9
Study Social Science 5 9 using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
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Arianna Vocab
Arianna Vocab
By: Devin Pierce
Charlotte's Web Vocab, CW Ch. 6-16, Social Studies ...9Decks146Flashcards1Learner -
Social et affectif
Social et affectif
By: Meva Weber
COURS 1 : Biologie, psychologie et sciences cognitives, COURS 2 : les compétences des bébés, COURS3 et 4 : développement de la sécurité affective ...12Decks222Flashcards1Learner -
Socialpsykologi 2018 P0063A
Socialpsykologi 2018 P0063A
By: Joakim Hegsund
Kap 1. Social Psychology - The science of the social side of life, Kap 2. Social Cognition - How we think about the social world, Kap 3. Social Perception - Perceiving and understanding others ...12Decks89Flashcards10Learners -
ABA-Basic Concepts and Principles
ABA-Basic Concepts and Principles
By: Tannavi Sakhalkar
A1- Goals of Behavior Analysis as a Science, A-2 Philosophical Assumptions of Behavior Analysis, A-3 Radical Behaviorism ...20Decks203Flashcards4Learners -
3100AHS: Communication and Counselling in Dietetics
3100AHS: Communication and Counselling in Dietetics
By: Cody Meuleman
Week 2: Social History Taking, Week 3: Self-Management, Week 4: Goal Setting ...9Decks62Flashcards6Learners -
Critical thinking
Critical thinking
By: Jannah Flores
Week 1: the 21st century, Week 2: the 21st century learner, Week 3: Trends ...14Decks182Flashcards1Learner -
QUIZ ONLY Individual to Society
QUIZ ONLY Individual to Society
By: Tony Sataya Tulapong
Quiz 1 - Science of Psychology / Major Perspectives (2), Quiz 2 - Major Perspectives (1), Quiz 3 - Major Debates + Introduction to Social Psychology revision 2017 ...11Decks154Flashcards8Learners -
Information Design
Information Design
By: Renske UvT
(2) College 1: Functionele analyse, (3) Mangen, Walgermo & Brønnick (2013): Reading linear text on paper versus computer, (4) Kruikemeier et al. (2018): Learning from news on different media platforms: an eye tracking experiment ...18Decks240Flashcards8Learners -
Thinking about science endterm
Thinking about science endterm
By: Maty Ba
Ch. 1: Plato and Aristotle, Ch. 2: Aristotle's medieval view and Francis Bacon, Ch. 3 : Decartes, Locke, berkley and Hume ...13Decks98Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology 3- Issues And Debates
Psychology 3- Issues And Debates
By: Bethan Clarke
1. Assess How Psychological Understanding Has Developed Over Time, 2. Assess The Use Of Psychological Knowledge In The Contributions In Society, 3. Assess Practical Issues In The Design And Implement Of Research In Psychology ...12Decks117Flashcards3Learners -
AP Psychology
AP Psychology
By: Min Jy Kim
Prologue - The Story of Psychology, Chapter 1 - Thinking Critically with Psychological Science, Chapter 18 - Social Psychology ...19Decks168Flashcards2Learners -
(4) HadSoc
(4) HadSoc
By: Amy Kuo
(5) Chronic Illness & Health-Related Quality of Life, (6) Screening, (7) NHS Structure & Management ...11Decks165Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology 1000
Psychology 1000
By: Michelle Ryu
1: Psychology: The Science of Behaviour, 2: Studying Behaviour Scientifically, 3: Biological Foundations of Behaviour ...17Decks102Flashcards2Learners -
Economics A-Level Micro
Economics A-Level Micro
By: Max Brown
1) Economics as a social science, 2) Economic Data, 3) The economic problem ...32Decks162Flashcards2Learners -
Almenn sálfræði
Almenn sálfræði
By: Agla Magnusdottir
1. kafli - Vísindagreinin sálfræði / The science of psychology, 4. kafli - Lífeðlislegar undirstöður hegðunar / The brain and behaviour, 5. kafli - Skynhrif og skynjun / Sensation and perception ...12Decks42Flashcards4Learners -
By: Manuel got mes de Olea
Task 7, Task 1, Siegler, R. S. (2007). Cognitive variability. Developmental Science, Task 1 ...20Decks344Flashcards2Learners -
Economics Theme 1
Economics Theme 1
By: Tom Gourlay
Theme 1.1 Economics as a social science (unit 1), Theme 1.2 Economic data (unit 2), Theme 1.1.3 The economic problem (unit 3) ...21Decks145Flashcards5Learners -
Economics Theme 1
Economics Theme 1
By: Maddy Baddela
1 Economics as a social science, 2 Economic data, 3 The economic problem ...9Decks69Flashcards1Learner -
Sciences humaines et sociales
Sciences humaines et sociales
By: Imane Outzinout
1. Images et médecine, 2. Anthropologie de la maladie et du soin, 3. Un regard historique sur l’expérimentation en médecine ...20Decks164Flashcards1Learner -
ESU HIST 113 World History Since 1500
ESU HIST 113 World History Since 1500
By: T B
Ch. 1 Many Worlds of the Fifteenth Century, Wk. 1 Primary Source: Dudley, Tree of Commonwealth, Wk. 2 Primary Source Vasco de Gama, Round Africa to India (1498) ...37Decks75Flashcards3Learners -
Saga Sálfræðinnar
Saga Sálfræðinnar
By: júlía bergþórsdóttir
Kafli 1 - Prescientific Psychology, Kafli 2 - Physiology (lífeðlisfræði), psychophysics (skynfræði) and the science of mind, Kafli 3 - Germany and the birth of a new science ...11Decks30Flashcards1Learner