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LC Biology
LC Biology
By: Aisling Price
Enzymes and Energy Carriers, Diffusion + Osmosis, Respiration ...34Decks1,607Flashcards97Learners -
GCSE Biology
GCSE Biology
By: Annabelle Black
Cell Biology, organisation, Infection and Response ...8Decks822Flashcards1Learner -
LING 201
LING 201
By: Abby McCormick
Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology ...10Decks435Flashcards5Learners -
Psych 104B
Psych 104B
By: jay james
chapter 1 : evolution of psychology (1), chapter 1 : evolution of psychology (2), chapter 2 :The Research Enterprise in Psychology(1) ...29Decks661Flashcards2Learners -
Surgery and other stuff
Surgery and other stuff
By: tcarlso 3
Lines, Drains, and Fluids, Common Anesthetic Procedures, Reading material ...25Decks1,078Flashcards9Learners -
GCSE Biology
GCSE Biology
By: Ruby Rose Burns
Organisation, Infection And Response, Bioenegetics ...6Decks576Flashcards2Learners -
By: Ola Żyto
Genome assembly, Genome annotation, RNA seq ...9Decks344Flashcards4Learners -
Biology B1
Biology B1
By: Mike House
B1.1 Keeping Healthy, B1.2 Coordination and Control, B1.3 Medicines and Drugs ...8Decks140Flashcards94Learners -
By: Immie Mebourne
Microbial Growth and Antibiotics, Microbial Disease, Bio Practicals, Maths ...24Decks1,311Flashcards6Learners -
7BBPM027: Forensic Genetics
7BBPM027: Forensic Genetics
By: Deleted Deleted
DNA and RNA composition and structure, DNA Packaging, DNA Replication and Repair ...16Decks407Flashcards4Learners -
Research Methods and Statistics
Research Methods and Statistics
By: Sammi Allouni
Bias and Confounding, Descriptive Comparison Of Groups, Variables and Distributions ...19Decks684Flashcards660Learners -
Biology (NCEA L2)
Biology (NCEA L2)
By: cara collins
Genetic Variation -General, Genetic Variation - chuck test 2, Genetic Variation - chuck test 1 ...9Decks125Flashcards7Learners -
By: Ryuu .K
Les glucides, Les lipides, Acides Aminés ...18Decks1,180Flashcards3Learners -
1. A level master
1. A level master
By: J Winters
A1 Cells, A2 Biological Molecules, A3 Transport Across Membranes ...40Decks1,077Flashcards133Learners -
National 5 Biology
National 5 Biology
By: Mr Hill
1.1. Cell Structure, 1.2. Transport across membranes, 1.3. DNA & Proteins ...19Decks374Flashcards1,678Learners -
BIO 1090
BIO 1090
By: Mika m
Lecture 1,2, Mitosis, meiosis, cell cycle, cancer, Mendelian Genetics ...22Decks552Flashcards66Learners -
A Level Biology
A Level Biology
By: Meriam nesnas
Gsce - A Level Transition (Retrival Questions), ⭐️Energy Transfer Of Organisms - Photosynthesis, ❌Genetics, Populations, Evolution and ecosystems - populations in ecosystems ...36Decks1,005Flashcards40Learners -
111A Biology Paper 2 Trilogy
111A Biology Paper 2 Trilogy
By: Ms Armstrong
5 Homeostasis and responce - Endocrine System, 5 Homeostasis and responce - Nervous System, 6 Inheritance variation and evolution - Evolution ...8Decks287Flashcards7Learners -
Biology Paper 2 Separate FLO
Biology Paper 2 Separate FLO
By: Miss A.M. Jordan
5 Homeostasis and responce - Endocrine System, 5 Homeostasis and responce - Nervous System, 5 Homeostasis and responce - Seperate ...11Decks431Flashcards2Learners -
Biology Year 11 Extra flashcards
Biology Year 11 Extra flashcards
By: Kumael Agha
B11, B3, B5 ...6Decks264Flashcards1Learner -
Foundations of Medicine JMO
Foundations of Medicine JMO
By: Jack Molyneux
Anatomy of a cell, Anatomical communication, Cell Cycle ...56Decks2,623Flashcards12Learners -
AQA GCSE Biology
AQA GCSE Biology
By: Hannah C
B3 - Organisation And The Digestive System, B1 - Cell Structure And Organisation, B4 - Organising Animals And Plants ...17Decks383Flashcards3,563Learners -
🚫 ANT253H1S: Language & Society (Summer 2016) with M. Danesi
🚫 ANT253H1S: Language & Society (Summer 2016) with M. Danesi
By: Ailin Li
Chapter 3: Variation in Geographical Space, Chapter 4: Variation in Social Space2Decks71Flashcards51Learners -
a level english language
a level english language
By: Chloe Chapman
gender theory, political leanings of newspapers, Global English ...15Decks852Flashcards1,231Learners -
11AT Bio Paper 2
11AT Bio Paper 2
By: Amy O'Rourke
5 Homeostasis and responce - Endocrine System, 5 Homeostasis and responce - Nervous System, 5 Homeostasis and responce - Seperate ...9Decks357Flashcards6Learners -
Science Yr8
Science Yr8
By: Janya And Chinnu Shailendra
Atoms Elements Compounds And mixtures, Science Fair, Chemical Reactions ...26Decks871Flashcards9Learners -
GCSE Biology***
GCSE Biology***
By: Izzy C-B
Nutrition In Animals, Movement Across Membranes, Immunity ...22Decks654Flashcards51Learners -
9B1 Biology
9B1 Biology
By: Mr Grubb
Cell Biology- Paper 1, Cell Division- Paper 1, Cell Transport- Paper 1 ...18Decks569Flashcards37Learners -
By: Hannah Raphael
Genetic screening, Pre-implantation screen/policy, Genetic variation ...20Decks395Flashcards5Learners -
AQA A-Level Biology
AQA A-Level Biology
By: Nicola makowska
1 Biological Molecules- Monomers & Polymers, 1 Biological Molecules- Carbohydrates, 1 Biological Molecules- Lipids ...46Decks895Flashcards1Learner