This class was created by Brainscape user Colfmatt 123. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (114)

Endo 1 - Hyposecretion of APG Hormones
Achondroplasia is not an endocrin...,
What is a chondrocyte,
How can laron dwarfism be treated
35  cards
Endo 2 - Hypersecretion of APG Hormones
What is hyperpituitarism,
What can cause hyperpituitarism,
What is hyperpituitarism often as...
33  cards
Neuro 3 - Brainstem and Cranial Nerves
What is the brainstem,
What are the 3 major divisions of...,
Name the posterior features of th...
79  cards
Diagnostics 1 - Introduction and Chemical Pathology Lab
What is esr if high what is it a ...,
What does u es stand for,
Stools are examined with mcs what...
14  cards
Pharm 10 - NMJ blocking drugs
Somatic motor nervous system uses...,
What enzyme is used for ach synth...,
Muscle type nachr are different t...
42  cards
Pharm 1 - Intro to ANS
What are the 3 outputs of the cns,
Name 3 pns dominant actions,
Which liver actions are sns mediated
30  cards
Pharm 2 - Mechanisms of Drug Action
What are the 4 types of drug anta...,
Explain how receptor blockade works,
Receptor blockade involves use de...
33  cards
Endo 3 - Neurohypophysial Disorders
On an mri how does the ppg look,
What are the 2 nuclei in relation...,
What 2 hormones does the ppg secrete
39  cards
Neuro 5 - Regulation of Blood flow
Approximately how much of the co ...,
What is syncope,
What can cause syncope
36  cards
Neuro 4 - Anatomy of blood flow in CNS
What are the 2 sources of blood s...,
What foramen does the vertebral a...,
At what level does the carotid ar...
16  cards
Neuro 6 - Thalamus and Hypothalamus
What are the 3 areas of the dienc...,
3 functions of the thalamus,
Describe the somatosensory pathway
23  cards
Neuro 7 - Sensory pathways
What are sensory modalities,
Mechanoreceptors of skin are whic...,
Pain temperature fibres are which...
69  cards
Endo 4 - Hypothyroidism
In the thyroid where is thyroxine...,
What are some symptoms associated...,
Thyroxine is t4 how is it convert...
17  cards
Endo 5 - Hyperthyroidism
Describe plummers disease a form ...,
What does thyroxine do to the sns,
If someone has a family history o...
29  cards
Neuro 8 - Motor pathways
What motor skill is cerebellum ne...,
Where is the primary motor cortex...,
What is in the post central gyrus
47  cards
Neuro 9 - Neuromuscular Junctions and SC
What are the 2 directions that a ...,
What neurotransmitter is used at ...,
Explain how an ap is brought abou...
27  cards
Anatomy of Limbs 2 - Shoulder and Arm
The supraspinous and infraspinous...,
What lies just medial to the cora...,
What is the large fossa on the co...
56  cards
Pharm 4 - Pharmacokinetics
What is the principle of first or...,
Are most drugs first order or zer...,
What does zero order kinetics imply
4  cards
Pharm 5 - Drug Metabolism
What is the purpose of metabolism,
Why should systemic effect medici...,
What 3 reactions occur in phase 1...
25  cards
Pharm 6 - Cholinomimetics
What is a cholinomimetic,
Muscarinic receptors are which an...,
Muscarine is a selective agonist ...
22  cards
Anatomy limbs 3 - Elbow, Forearm and Wrist
In the elbow what is the cartilag...,
Which 3 fossae allow elbow flexion,
What membrane separates the radiu...
42  cards
Endo 6 - Hyperadrenal disorders
Cushings syndrome is caused by to...,
What are 6 clinical features of c...,
What are 4 causes of cushings
27  cards
Pharm 11/12 - Drugs and the Cardiovascular system
Through what channels does calciu...,
Explain the movement of calcium i...,
70 of myoplasmic ca is removed via
63  cards
Endo 7 - Hypoadrenal disorders
What is the ultimate precursor fo...,
Outermost to innermost what are t...,
What are the causes of adrenocort...
23  cards
Anatomy Limbs 5 - Brachial Plexus
How does the brachial plexus divi...,
What muscle does the long thoraci...,
What muscle does the thorax dorsa...
45  cards
Anatomy Limbs 4 - Hand
Where does the palmar aponeurosis...,
What are the borders of the septa...,
On the forearm pronators and flex...
50  cards
Anatomy Limbs 6 - Hip, Buttock and Thigh
What is dorsiflexion,
What is plantar flexion,
What type of bone is the patella
75  cards
Anatomy HNS 1 - Cranium, Meninges and Brain
What are the bones of the cranium,
What are the bones of the facial ...,
What 3 structures are present in ...
78  cards
Anatomy 7 - Knee, leg, ankle and foot
Gracilis muscle what 2 actions do...,
Biceps femoris is a posterior thi...,
Which muscle supplies the 4 digit...
52  cards
Cancer 1 - Cellular Pathology of Cancer
Define metaplasia,
Give examples of pathological met...,
Is metaplasia adaptive
49  cards
Cancer 2 - Oncogenes and Tumour Suppressors
In the cell cycle what is the g0 ...,
What occurs during the g1 phase,
What happens at the end of g1 and...
34  cards
Pharm 13 - Drugs of Abuse 1 - Cannabis
Where in the brain is euphoria in...,
General pharmacodynamics of drugs...,
Rank the routes of administration...
28  cards
Pharm 14 - Drugs of Abuse - Cocaine/Nicotine
What are the 4 forms of cocaine,
How does a high pka influence rat...,
Smoking has a faster onset than i...
23  cards
Pharm 15 - Drugs of Abuse - Alcohol
What is considered low risk for a...,
What is defined to be binge drinking,
How to calculate the absolute amo...
42  cards
Anatomy Limbs 8 - Review of Lower limb nerves and Vessels
How many c t l s c vertebrae are ...,
C1 4 innervates,
C5 t1 innervates
58  cards
Pharm 16 - Haemostasis and Thrombosis
What is interim treatment for dvt,
What happens in the initial stage...,
What are the 4 classes of anticoa...
23  cards
Pharm 17 - NSAIDS
Use of nsaids are associated with...,
Which 3 properties of nsaids make...,
Where is arachidonic acid derived...
36  cards
Cancer 4 - The cell cycle and its regulation
Different cells divide at differe...,
Tumour cells have lost contact in...,
What does premature aberrant mito...
44  cards
Cancer 5 - Signalling mechanisms of Growth and Division
There is a restriction point in g...,
Which transcription factor is key...,
How does arrival of a mitogenic g...
47  cards
Cancer 8 - Angiogenesis
What are the 3 ways to make a blo...,
What is usually the trigger for a...,
What do tip cells move towards
16  cards
Cancer 6 - DNA damage and repair
Chemicals and radiation can both ...,
6 ways in which carcinogens can d...,
There are 2 phases in mammalian m...
31  cards
Psych 3 - Social Psychology
What are the 3 ways in which diss...,
What is social loafing,
4 factors that increase the likel...
6  cards
Pharm 19 - Opiates/Opioids
What is an opiate,
What are the 4 most common opiates,
Describe the structure of opiates
44  cards
Pharm 20 - Pharmacology of IBD
What are the the 2 forms of ibd,
Obesity is a rf for which form of...,
Name 4 rfs for ibd
51  cards
Pharm 21 - Diuretics
Where is the na k atpase found k ...,
What are diuretics,
What does the oncotic pressure in...
47  cards
Cancer 7 - External Factors controlling division and behaviour of normal and cancerous cells
What is cell behaviour,
Which 3 factors contribute largel...,
Cells often obtain polarity on ec...
48  cards
Pharm 23 - Antidepressants
Psychoses can be split into schiz...,
What is schizophrenia,
What are the biological symptoms ...
35  cards
Pharm 24 - Anti-emetics
Name 3 things that can induce vom...,
Explain how chemotherapy eg cispl...,
What is the treatment for chemoth...
19  cards
Cancer 8 - Angiogenesis
Give 3 examples of physiological ...,
What can insufficient angiogenesi...,
What can vascular malformations i...
41  cards
Cancer 10 - Biological basis of Cancer Therapy
What are the most common cancers ...,
What are the 4 means of anti canc...,
What mutations can cause cancer
48  cards
Cancer 9 - Apoptosis
Why do cells undergo apoptosis pr...,
What are the differences between ...,
Explain how necrosis happens loca...
48  cards
Cancer 11 - Invasion - regulation of cell migration
How do tumours progress stages,
In the de differentiation stage o...,
In the invasion stage of tumour p...
48  cards
Microbiology 2 - Interferons and how viruses evade them
What is the most common cause of ...,
Hse is associated with inborn err...,
What do zap and cpg do
35  cards
Diagnostics 2- Virology Lab
Name 4 things that can be tested ...,
Cell culture and electron microsc...,
Name 3 diagnostic methods used no...
30  cards
Pharm 25 - Alzheimers Disease
Whats the main risk factor for al...,
Name 2 genetic mutations that pre...,
Name a genetic mutation that pred...
15  cards
Pharm 26 - Anxiolytic, Sedative and Hypnotic drugs
What is the most important inhibi...,
How is glutamate converted into g...,
Gaba are mostly interneurons that...
45  cards
Pharm 28 - Anti Parkinsons-Disease drugs and Neuroleptics
Explain how da is synthesised,
In the metabolism of da what are ...,
Which 3 enzymes metabolise da
33  cards
Endo 8 - Therapeutic use of adrenal steroids
Explain how adrenal steroids are ...,
Which 2 things control crh releas...,
Androgens and oestrogens are also...
30  cards
Endo 9 - Causes of endocrine infertility
What do sertoli cells secrete tha...,
What are the 3 phases of the 28 d...,
What is infertility
28  cards
Endo 10 - Contraceptives, HRT and SERMs
What is the medical term for pain...,
Name a common symptom of menopause,
What is menopause what is the tra...
22  cards
Musculoskeletal 1 - Metabolic Bone Disease - Histopathology
What are 4 functions of bone,
Describe the composition of bone,
Describe bone geography
36  cards
Musculoskeletal 2 - The radiology of Metabolic Bone Disease
Name 3 imaging methods used to me...,
What does mri determine,
What do radionuclide bone scans d...
24  cards
Musc 3 - The biochemistry of metabolic bone disease
What are the 3 ways in which mbds...,
What are the biochemical investig...,
Biochemical changes in osteoporosis
69  cards
Musc 4 & 5 - Pathogenesis of Autoimmune disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
What is ra,
Name 4 seronegative spondyloarthr...,
What is ankylosing spondylitis
78  cards
Musc 6 - Reactive Arthritis and Osteoarthritis
Which branch of bone disorders do...,
What is reactive arthritis,
What are some extra articular man...
30  cards
Endo 11 - Endocrinology of Pregnancy
The seminal vesicles are located ...,
What do leydig cells make,
In m where is oestrogen made and ...
32  cards
Endo 12 - Ca and Phosphate regulation
How many parathyroid glands are t...,
Vit d is stored in the liver as,
Name 3 action of pth
23  cards
Endo 13 - Endocrine and Metabolic Bone disorders
In primary hpt there is high ca a...,
Describe how secondary hpt may arise,
What are the biochemical findings...
33  cards
Diagnostics 3 - Bacteriology Lab
What are common bacteriology diag...,
Why do blood culture discs change...,
Which type of bacteria tend to clump
24  cards
Diagnostics 4 - Histopathology and Cytopathology lab
Differentiate histopathologists a...,
What are frozen sections fixed in,
What stain is used for frozen sec...
6  cards
Diagnostics 5 - Antibodies as Diagnostic tools
When using antibodies as diagnost...,
What are anti antibodies,
Antibodies can come from the pati...
10  cards
Endo 14 - Endocrine control of food intake
Bodyweight homeostasis can be inf...,
The paraventricular nucleus is a ...,
Where is the arcuate nucleus located
20  cards
Endo 15 - T1DM
Describe the ambiguity between t1...,
Describe t1dm based on aetiology,
Describe t2dm based on aetiology
26  cards
Endo 16 - T2DM
T2dm is not ketosis prone what ti...,
What is the fasted blood glucose ...,
Diabetes is the most common cause...
29  cards
Endo 17 - Microvascular complications of DM
Where are the sites of microvascu...,
What do microvascular complicatio...,
What are the mechanisms of glucos...
23  cards
Endo 18 - Macrovascular complications of DM
What are the common macrovascular...,
Describe the stages of atheroma f...,
What is insulin resistance associ...
16  cards
Haem 1 - Physiology of Blood cells and haematological terminology
Explain the origin of blood cells,
What can arise from myeloid stem ...,
What can arise from lymphoid stem...
42  cards
Haem 2 - Deciding what is normal and interpreting blood counts - Polycythaemia as an example
How is a normal or reference rang...,
What does rdw on a full blood cou...,
Packed cell volume pcv and haemat...
18  cards
Haem 3 - Anaemia and Polycythaemia
What is anaemia,
What are the mechanisms of anaemia,
How can anaemia be classified bas...
32  cards
Haem 4 - The Hb molecule and Thalassaemia
Describe hb synthesis,
Where is haem synthesised,
Where is globin synthesised alpha...
37  cards
Immune 1 - Hypersensitivity and Allergy
What are the 4 types of hypersens...,
Type 1 hypersensitivity immediate...,
Explain how immediate hypersensit...
31  cards
Immune 2 - Tolerance and autoimmunity
What is autoimmunity,
Igg crosses the foetus through th...,
What genetic and environmental fa...
24  cards
Pharm 29 - Principles of general anaesthesia
What are the clinically desirable...,
What are the gaseous general anae...,
What are the iv general anaesthet...
16  cards
Pharm 30 - Principles of local anaesthesia
What are local anaesthetics,
Action potentials are all or noth...,
In an action potential which open...
18  cards
Musc 7 - The GALS Screen (Gait, arm, legs, spine) screen
What is arthralgia,
What is dislocation,
What is subluxation
14  cards
Neuro 10 - Sound conduction and Transduction
What are the components of the mi...,
Outline the sound conduction proc...,
Air in the middle ear is continuo...
22  cards
Musc 8 - SLE
Describe the features of sle,
What type of patient is sle most ...,
Explain the pathogenesis of lupus
20  cards
Musc 9 - Revision
List the key features of rheumato...,
Define rheumatoid factor,
What substance makes synovial flu...
19  cards
Musc 11- Arthritis
What are the hunter volkmann prin...,
What is varus deformity what is a...,
What are the 3 compartments of th...
13  cards
Musc 10 - Fractures through the ages
What is the ratio of matrix to ce...,
Which part of the osteoclast secr...,
Explain normal bone turnover in y...
12  cards
Haem 5 - Sickle Cell disease
What causes sickle cell disease f...,
Describe the stages in sickling o...,
Sickle cell anaemia is homozygous...
27  cards
Haem 6 - Abnormal white cell counts
Explain how neutrophil differenti...,
When is it not uncommon to see my...,
How are cell numbers controlled i...
34  cards
Haem 7 - Haemostasis
What is haemostasis,
What is haemostasis for,
What may tip the haemostatic bala...
37  cards
Haem 8 - Abnormalities of haemostasis
Platelet adhesion can occur via v...,
How does platelet aggregation occur,
Primary haemostasis can go wrong ...
31  cards
Haem 9 and 10 - Iron deficiency / Vit B12 and Folic Acid deficiency
Most of the iron ins in hb so wha...,
Most but not all iron is recycled...,
Iron can only be absorbed in what...
63  cards
Haem 11 - Blood transfusion
When do we use blood,
Describe the basis of the abo blo...,
Describe the genes for abo blood ...
31  cards
Immunology 3 - Transplantation
What are the 2 types of transplan...,
What are the different types of t...,
What are the 2 types of allograft...
32  cards
Immune 4 - Tumour immunology and immunotherapy of cancer
What causes paraneoplastic cerebe...,
What is meant by tumour immunosur...,
Highlight quick differences betwe...
26  cards
Immune 5 - Inflammatory Dermatoses
What lies between the epidermis a...,
Langerhans cells,
Merkel cells
31  cards
Cancer 12 - Breast cancer
Breast cancer is the leading fema...,
What is the only organ that devel...,
There are 2 layers of epithelial ...
23  cards
Cancer 13 - Colorectal Cancer
Describe colon physiology and fun...,
In cell turnover proliferation re...,
Distinguish polyps and adenomas
22  cards
Cancer 14 - Leukaemia
Describe leukaemia,
It is uncommon for leukaemia to b...,
Describe the classification of le...
24  cards
Cancer 14 - Skin Cancer
Most skin cancers arise from cell...,
Describe the structure of the epi...,
Blood leukaemiatissue for lymphoc...
33  cards
Immunity to fungal infections
Cryptococcus neoformans has a bur...,
Aside from cryptococcus neoforman...,
Describe the cellular immunity pr...
19  cards
Microbiology 2 - Skin infections
S aureus infections describe the ...,
High skin infection rates occur in,
What are the medical consideratio...
22  cards
Micro 3 - Viral evasion of host immunity
Internal viral proteins can be ta...,
Every cell in the body has,
Cellular immunity clears viruses ...
23  cards
Micro 6 - Parasitic infections
What is a parasite,
What are the 2 classes of endopar...,
What is a protozoa
31  cards
Neuro 11 - Vestibular Systems
Where is the vestibular labyrinth...,
Describe the organelle structure ...,
Vestibular hair cell cilia are em...
30  cards
Neuro 13 - Neurology of the Visual System
Describe the visual pathway anatomy,
Where is the primary visual corte...,
Describe the visual pathway in th...
38  cards
Pharm - Antibiotics and antifungals
Describe gram bacteria,
Describe gram bacteria,
Describe mycolic bacteria
29  cards
Neuro 12 - Structure and function of eye
Optic nerve passes between bone,
Describe the location and functio...,
Describe the tearing process
56  cards
Neuro 14 - Cerebral cortex and Limbic system
What are the 3 types of cerebral ...,
How many layers does the neocorte...,
The neocortex is arranged in laye...
52  cards
Neuro 15 - Sleep and consciousness
Describe the stages of sleep,
Describe hr and response rate in ...,
How does the reticular activating...
29  cards
Neuro 16 - Clinical approach to acute vertigo
What is oscillopsia,
There are 2 types of illusory sel...,
What are the main neurological di...
6  cards

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