Learn Disorders Of Red Blood Cells
Study Disorders Of Red Blood Cells using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
Brainscape Certified flashcards
User Generated flashcards
By: Hayley Gilfillan
Red Blood Cells, Anaemia, Microcytic Anaemia & Iron Deficiency ...32Decks731Flashcards1Learner -
Hematology 1
Hematology 1
By: Nathalie Grace Castillo
(P) Week 2: Hematopoiesis PART 1, (P) Week 2: Hematopoiesis PART 2, (P) Week 2: Bone marrow and Lymphoid Organs Part 1 ...32Decks2,590Flashcards53Learners -
By: Rebecca Jenkins
Cells, Biochem Of Red Cells, Microcytic Anaemia ...25Decks539Flashcards2Learners -
Hematology 2
Hematology 2
By: Arvee Perez
Ch. 18 - Anemias: Red Blood Cell Morphology and Approach to Diagnosis (RVSP), Lab Compre (RVSP), RBC, WBC, Counting Chamber (RVSP) ...12Decks484Flashcards309Learners -
MBCHB3: Blood, Immunity and Infection
MBCHB3: Blood, Immunity and Infection
By: Calum Macindoe
Lecture 1: The blood and bone marrow, Lecture 2: Red cells, haemoglobin and anaemia, Lecture 3: Innate immunity and antigen presentation ...41Decks893Flashcards3Learners -
Blood and Immune
Blood and Immune
By: Hilary Parsons
The blood and bone marrow, Intro to blood group serology, Blood and Blood Products ...40Decks885Flashcards35Learners -
By: Andrea Janney
Hematopoiesis, Iron, Folate, B12 Metabolism, Nutritional Anemias ...16Decks599Flashcards8Learners -
Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy Technician
By: Caleb Stephens
The Cardiovascular System - The Heart, The Cardiovascular System - Cardiovascular Anatomy, The Cardiovascular System - Cardiovascular Physiology ...34Decks425Flashcards18Learners -
By: Jing Ji
Stem Cells and Hematopoeisis, Erythropoiesis, Complete Blood Count and Red Cell Morphology ...50Decks725Flashcards6Learners -
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
By: Jeyinn Wong
Menstrual cycle and it's disorders, The uterus and it's abnormalities, The cervix and it's disorders ...27Decks1,150Flashcards5Learners -
Module 103: The Heart, Lungs and Blood
Module 103: The Heart, Lungs and Blood
By: Anna Rogerson
Need to know drugs for 103, Theme 1: Lecture 1 - The Lungs and Pleura, Theme 1: Lecture 2 - The Superior Mediastinum ...51Decks2,214Flashcards25Learners -
By: Abby McCabe
bleeding and thrombosis, thrombotic disorders, Blood Transfusion ...27Decks499Flashcards1Learner -
By: Rodwan Halimi
Bone Marrow Structure and Function, What is Blood?, Basics of haemostasis: How to clot, but not too much ...29Decks1,418Flashcards38Learners -
By: Rachel Cloke
Clinical Reasoning & Differential Diagnosis, Infection, Inflammation, Innate & Specific Immune Responses, Hematology: Red Blood Cell Disorders ...20Decks1,487Flashcards2Learners -
By: rhianna Vaughan-Gillson
Cell biology, methods of studying cell slides, cell cycle ...18Decks674Flashcards1Learner -
Pathoma DG
Pathoma DG
By: Dev Gakhar
CH1 - Growth Adaptations, Cellular Injury, and Cell Death, CH2 - Inflammation, Inflammatory Disorders, and Wound Healing, CH3 - Principles of Neoplasia ...19Decks4,420Flashcards1Learner -
By: Sophie Pitcairn
Cells and Tissues of the Nervous System, Topography of the Brain, Spinal Cord and Periphery ...40Decks1,403Flashcards3Learners -
Haem - Module 3
Haem - Module 3
By: Kathryn Chang
Haemoglobin structure and function, Beta thalassemia, Sickle Cell Disease ...29Decks345Flashcards25Learners -
By: Salvatore Liotta
Intro to Pathophysiology, Inflammation and Wound Healing, Cellular Adaptation and Cell Necrosis ...15Decks588Flashcards7Learners -
Year 2- CNS
Year 2- CNS
By: Lucy Jefford
Cells and Tissues of the CNS (anatomy based), Topography of the Brain (neuroanatomy)., The Cerebral Hemispheres- surface features and functions (neuroanatomy) ...49Decks2,548Flashcards2Learners -
Human Pathophysiology
Human Pathophysiology
By: Taniya donnell
Midterm Patho, Genetic Basis Of Disease, Cell injury, Adaptation, Maladaptive Changes ...9Decks316Flashcards1Learner -
Intro to Med
Intro to Med
By: syed kamran
Intro to radiography, Introduction to the structure and function of blood, The red blood cell:structure and function ...46Decks1,458Flashcards5Learners -
Blood bank
Blood bank
By: Danzel Matthew Nava
Blood Components, Whole Blood, Packed Red Blood Cells ...32Decks280Flashcards4Learners -
By: Deepu pras
Bone Marrow Structure and Function, What is Blood?, Basics of haemostasis: How to clot, but not too much ...29Decks1,418Flashcards13Learners -
By: Kirsty Crearie
Introduction to haematology, Normal red blood cells, Introduction to anaemia ...22Decks593Flashcards1Learner -
Lab D
Lab D
By: vanessa johansen
1. Homeostasis-changes of isovolaemia, isoionia and isoosmosis, 7. Body Cavity Fluids And CSF, 10 - Liver Function 1 ...18Decks856Flashcards31Learners -
By: Freya Grant
Cells & Tissues of The Nervous System, Topography of the Brain, Autonomic Nervous System ...33Decks881Flashcards1Learner -
Life Support + Genomics
Life Support + Genomics
By: Michelle Esmati
Respiratory System: Pulmonary Ventilation, Respiratory System: Mechanics of Breathing, Respiratory System: Gas Exchange ...41Decks658Flashcards63Learners -
2. Pathoma
2. Pathoma
By: Ellen Nygårdsmoen
Chapter 1 - Growth Adaptations, Cellular Injury, and Cell Death, Chapter 2 - Inflammation, Inflammatory disorders, and Wound healing, Chapter 3 - Principles of Neoplasia ...6Decks231Flashcards7Learners -
Clinical Biomedicine
Clinical Biomedicine
By: Laila K
W1: Fundamentals of Clinical Laboratory Techniques, W1: Calibration & Quality Control, W1: Haematology Vocab ...23Decks803Flashcards2Learners