Learn Dna Structure And Sequencing
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A Level Biology
A Level Biology
By: Lucy Scott
3.2.1 Cell Structure, 3.1.6 ATP, 3.1.7 Water ...28Decks238Flashcards3Learners -
LSM2191 Lab Techniques
LSM2191 Lab Techniques
By: Jasper Chan
Lecture 1 - NA Isolation & PCR, Lecture 2 - Primers, Vectors & Restriction Enzymes, Lecture 3 - Restriction Enzymes, Ligation, DNA Transfer ...8Decks90Flashcards1Learner -
By: Sophie Curran
DNA, Chromosome structure, Cell division ...7Decks187Flashcards1Learner -
biology topic 8
biology topic 8
By: Niamh Kenyon
Alteration of the sequence of bases in DNA can alter the structure of proteins, Most of a cell’s DNA is not translated, Regulation of transcription and translation ...4Decks25Flashcards1Learner -
By: Sara K
1. Intro to Genomics, 2. DNA Hybridisation, 3. PCR and Its Role in Diagnostics ...12Decks220Flashcards1Learner -
By: Clarie Kathy Ho
1: Nucleosides and nucleotides, 2: DNA structure, 3: Replication of DNA ...7Decks44Flashcards1Learner -
Medical Interventions
Medical Interventions
By: Hannah Hausmann
Biology review, MI Unit 1 Vocab, Gram staining technique and interpretation ...23Decks194Flashcards4Learners -
By: Molly Muldoon
Unit 1 Topic 1- Structure Of DNA, Unit 1 Topic 2- DNA And The Genome, Unit 1 Topic 3- Gene Expression ...23Decks241Flashcards2Learners -
Higher Biology
Higher Biology
By: Amber Allenby
1.1 Structure Of DNA, 1.2 Replication Of DNA, 1.3 Gene Expression ...12Decks65Flashcards3Learners -
PS637: DNA Analysis and Interpretation
PS637: DNA Analysis and Interpretation
By: Joseph Watson
Nucleic Acid Structure and Hybridisation, Electrophoresis and Nucleic Acid Synthesis, PCR and DNA Sequencing ...11Decks78Flashcards2Learners -
BL2302: Molecular Biology
BL2302: Molecular Biology
By: Grace Renouf-Bilanski
mRNA Processing, Transcription, Translation I ...12Decks125Flashcards1Learner -
Unit 1
Unit 1
By: Mary Pinkes
1-10 Bacterial Genetics, 1-11 Commensalism vs. Pathogenicity, 1-12 Control of Microorganisms: Infection Control, Sterilization, and Disinfection ...35Decks394Flashcards1Learner -
BIO2030 Biotechnology
BIO2030 Biotechnology
By: Rachel Ingham
History, DNA extraction, Enzymes ...34Decks251Flashcards2Learners -
By: Freya Preston
3.8.1 - Alterations in DNA base sequence, 3.8.2 - Stem cells, Regulation of transcription and translation ...38Decks335Flashcards1Learner -
Biology Year 13
Biology Year 13
By: Uresa Osmani
Respiration 3.5.2 (Energy transfers in and between organisms 3.5), Energy and ecosytems 3.5.3 (Energy transfers in and between organisms 3.5), Nutrient Cycles 3.5.4 ( Energy transfers in and between organisms 3.5) ...21Decks319Flashcards1Learner -
Grade 12 Biology - Molecular Genetics
Grade 12 Biology - Molecular Genetics
By: Evelyn Zhu [Student]
DNA Structure and History, DNA Replication and DNA Repair, Central Dogma and Transcription ...10Decks66Flashcards2Learners -
Bio 1090
Bio 1090
By: Dalia Cohen
Cell biology (INFORMATION), Cell biology (CHEMISTRY), Cell biology (COMPARTEMENTS) ...35Decks275Flashcards1Learner -
Protein Structure & Function
Protein Structure & Function
By: Abigail king
Structural Degrees, Haemoglobin, Structure & Sequence ...11Decks93Flashcards3Learners -
By: Sammi Allouni
Chromosome Structure And Function, Cell Division And The Cell Cycle, Nucleic Acids And Isolation ...12Decks273Flashcards2Learners -
By: Bonnie V
Term Test 1 Prep, Consensus Sequences, Transcription ...9Decks176Flashcards2Learners -
NEUR 2700 - Research Methods
NEUR 2700 - Research Methods
By: Afia M
Quiz 1- Lecture 1: Whole Brain Imaging, Quiz 1- Lecture 2: Structural Imaging MRI Basics, Quiz 1- Lecture 3: fMRI ...18Decks594Flashcards1Learner -
DNA & the genome bio
DNA & the genome bio
By: Jenna Paterson
structure of DNA 1.1, replication of dna 1.2, cellular differentiation 1.4 ...7Decks117Flashcards1Learner -
Biology topic 4
Biology topic 4
By: Zach Add
DNA in prokaryotes, Chromosome structure, genes ...78Decks442Flashcards1Learner -
By: Raju Mishra
Topic A:Molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, Topic B: The Structure and Transmission of Genetic Information, Topic C & F: Genetics and Molecular Evolution ...6Decks478Flashcards1Learner -
By: lexie darroch
UNIT 1: Key Area 1 a) structure of DNA, UNIT 1: Key Area 1 b) Organisation of DNA, UNIT 1: Key Area 2 a) replication of DNA by DNA polymerase and primers ...14Decks204Flashcards1Learner -
By: Seineb Abbas
Intro To The Living Cell, DNA Structure, Protein Structure And Functions ...34Decks243Flashcards1Learner -
Biology - Higher
Biology - Higher
By: Ellen Brignall
Key Area 1.1 - Structure Of Dna, Key Area 1.2 - Replication Of DNA, Key Area 1.3 - Contol Of Gene Expression ...15Decks171Flashcards3Learners -
Higher biology
Higher biology
By: isla furness
U1:KA1 - The structure of DNA, U1:KA2 - Replication of DNA, U1:KA3 - Gene expression ...23Decks193Flashcards1Learner -
Genetics - Exam II COB
Genetics - Exam II COB
By: Landon Younger
Lecture I - Specialized Chromosome Structure/Sequence, Lecture II - Mitochondria Genetics, Lecture III - Genetic Code and Translation ...12Decks223Flashcards1Learner -
CELS191 - Module #2 and #3
CELS191 - Module #2 and #3
By: Kiki 98
Lecture #15 - DNA structure and function, Lecture #21 - Chromosomal aneuploidy and X inactivation, Lecture #22 - Non-human chromosomal abnormalities ...14Decks237Flashcards1Learner