Tags: Drugs, Medical & Nursing, Pharmacology
Flashcards on Drugs
About Drugs on Brainscape
Before modern medicine and anesthetic drugs, the task of amputating a limb was given to the man with the sharpest saw and quickest action -- often the local butcher!
Fortunately, drugs are available for most ailments, these days. Drugs are substances that when consumed cause physiological changes in the body; pharmaceutical drugs are used to prevent, manage, or cure disease and promote health.
Divided into groups according to their properties and uses; each drug has its own individual chemical composition with a range of dosages, uses, side effects, and contraindications. Health professionals must find the right combination for patients in a maze of thousands of drugs that do and don’t work together.
That’s why doctors, nurses, vets, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists study for so long and hard to know the medicines they prescribe and oversee, inside out.
Learning Drugs
Whatever your chosen profession, memorizing hundreds of drugs is never easy. With so many drugs that sound similar but do entirely different things, it's best to start with a core 200 drugs and build on more from there. Brainscape is ideal for memorizing intricate details. Some drugs and families will be easier to remember and some will be tricky and just won’t stick. Brainscape is ideal for this purpose of drilling down on focused areas, over and over, until EUREKA, you know it!
There are thousands of flashcards on this page prepared by other medical students so just dig in. Medical students can check out the USMLE Pharmacology course, a Brainscape certified course which will tackle Autonomic drugs, Pharmacodynamics and more. You can also link back to your individual disciplines such as pharmacology, veterinary medicine or anesthesiology to co-reference your syllabus.
Learn faster
Introducing Brainscape’s Confidence-Based Repetition system (CBR) which makes learning twice as fast, a reality!
Comprising three scientifically proven learning methods, this turbo-charged learning engine delivers flashcards for optimal learning, attuned to the user’s responses. Check out the white paper here.
To try it out for yourself, just click on a deck from below. Good Luck!