Learn Pulmonary Disorders
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Pulmonary Disorders
Pulmonary Disorders
By: Ashlee Reed
Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis And Emphysema, Tuberculosis ...12Decks108Flashcards1Learner -
Section 8: Pulmonary Disorders
Section 8: Pulmonary Disorders
By: wilson cuartel
Chapter 62: Respiratory Distress, Chapter 63: Hemoptysis, Chapter 64: Acute Bronchitis and Upper Respiratory Tract Infection ...8Decks293Flashcards2Learners -
APEA - Pulmonary Disorders
APEA - Pulmonary Disorders
By: James White
Acute Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma ...5Decks37Flashcards4Learners -
Module 103, Theme 4: Physiology of the lungs and gaseous exchange. Pulmonary disorders and principles of their treatment.
Module 103, Theme 4: Physiology of the lungs and gaseous exchange. Pulmonary disorders and principles of their treatment.
By: aderonke adesanoye
Basis of respiration, Working lung and respiratory failure, Respiratory control and arterial blood gases ...16Decks457Flashcards5Learners -
Pulmonology Exam 4
Pulmonology Exam 4
By: Cierra Pennal
Pulmonary Circulation Disorders, Respiratory Disorders, Pulmonary neoplasms ...4Decks187Flashcards1Learner -
Module 10 - Pulmonary Disorders
Module 10 - Pulmonary Disorders
By: Ruby Gill
Respiratory Function & Dysfunction, Asthma, COPD (emphysema & chronic bronchitis) ...4Decks91Flashcards1Learner -
103T4- Physiology of the lungs and gas exchange. Pulmonary disorders and principles of their treatment
103T4- Physiology of the lungs and gas exchange. Pulmonary disorders and principles of their treatment
By: Ingrid Bekono
Introduction, Respiratory failure, Arterial blood gases ...13Decks182Flashcards3Learners -
By: Emily Andrle
Intro (Exam 1), Infectious Diseases (Exam 1), Neurological Disorders (Exam 1) ...18Decks1,979Flashcards8Learners -
AFN Health Assessment
AFN Health Assessment
By: Cooper Hewett
Risk Management, Cardiac Assessment, Cardiac Assessment Part 2 ...12Decks833Flashcards26Learners -
PHTH 536 - Body Systems
PHTH 536 - Body Systems
By: Jawric Cuyzon
Cardiopulmonary - Anatomy and Physiology, Cardiac Pathologies: -itises - Lecture #2, Cardiac Differential Diagnosis ...28Decks1,195Flashcards5Learners -
Biology 253
Biology 253
By: Eva lee
GI Disorders - Diverticular Disease, GI Disorders - Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), GI Disorders - Peritonitis ...39Decks1,018Flashcards2Learners -
By: Jhaunte Braithwaite
Pulmonary Pathology, Pulmonary Pathology, Environmental Pathology 1 DLA ...34Decks1,118Flashcards8Learners -
By: Emily Hendrickson
intro to pulm, Respiratory phys part 1, Respiratory phys part 2 and 3 ...20Decks927Flashcards16Learners -
Pathoma LAH
Pathoma LAH
By: Lindsey Herrera
Cardiology: 8.1a: Angina, Cardiology: 8.1b: MI, Cardiology: 8.1c: Sudden Cardiac Death/Chronic Ischemia ...77Decks2,701Flashcards19Learners -
Med Surg 1
Med Surg 1
By: Lani Manners
Intravenous Solutions, Intravenous Therapy, Electrolyte Disturbances (Online Lecture) ...47Decks2,599Flashcards63Learners -
By: Leslie Mancini
General Anemia, Nutrient Deficiency Anemias, More Anemias ...95Decks3,402Flashcards5Learners -
By: Miles Sanderson
1.1.1 Cell Biology and Histology of Respiratory System, 1.1.2 Development of the Respiratory System, 1.1.3 Thoracic Wall and Lung Cavities ...42Decks1,338Flashcards110Learners -
By: Veda Rohr
Mechanism of Hormone Regulation, Alteration in Hormone Regulation, Endocrine Disorders ...23Decks1,735Flashcards9Learners -
By: jessica quintos
1 Intro to Patho, 2 Homeostasis, allostasis, adaptive responses to stressors, 4 Cell injury, aging, and death ...32Decks1,492Flashcards56Learners -
Clin Med - Pulmonary
Clin Med - Pulmonary
By: Deana Cairo
Occupational/Env'al Lung Disease, Asthma, Pulmonary Infections ...13Decks583Flashcards10Learners -
By: Alex Torres
Overview of the Pulmonary System/Lung Development, Lung Microanatomy, Mechanism of Breathing/Compliance ...36Decks610Flashcards10Learners -
clin med
clin med
By: Jacqui Joseph
rhinosinusitis, Disorders of the Ear, Intro to HENT, URIs, Pharyn&Tonsil ...88Decks3,867Flashcards14Learners -
critical care
critical care
By: Hailey Dlugolinski
cardiac disorders pt. 1, cardiac disorders pt. 2, cardiac disorders pt. 3 ...23Decks795Flashcards2Learners -
By: Payton Dennis
Foundations 1, Biostats, Cardiology ...51Decks2,703Flashcards37Learners -
PassMed Decks
PassMed Decks
By: M Njm
Pneumothorax, Smoking Cessation, Asthma ...95Decks5,510Flashcards143Learners -
By: Alba Mariner Gonzalez
Approach to Respiratory Symptoms, Anatomy and Histology, Mechanics ...35Decks1,570Flashcards15Learners -
By: Amin Bemanian
Anatomy and Histology of Respiratory, Development and Disorders of the Lungs, Spirometry ...31Decks717Flashcards26Learners -
A&P II (Spring 2023)
A&P II (Spring 2023)
By: Grayson Young
Lecture 1: Review & CV Function (Exam I), Lecture 2: CV Function (Exam I), Exam 1 Lecture 3 (1-24-23) CO, VR, and Pressure Volume Loops (Andy's cards) ...24Decks1,348Flashcards104Learners -
By: Tiffany Pointon
Ventilation, upper airways, Treatment of obstructive lung disease ...39Decks952Flashcards9Learners -
AMC MCQ - Key points
AMC MCQ - Key points
By: Lubi Mupwaya
Flashcards, Neurology Brief, Obstetrics ...49Decks4,246Flashcards1Learner