Learn Qualitative Research Method
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IB Psychology: Qualitative
IB Psychology: Qualitative
By: Ben glass
Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative data, Explain the strengths and limitations of a qualitative approach to research, To what extent can findings be generalized from qualitative studies? ...19Decks143Flashcards9Learners -
Research Methods
Research Methods
By: Sophia Mallouppas
Quantitative: Field Experiments and the Comparative Method (Primary), Quantitative: Lab Experiments (Primary), Quantitative: Structured Interviews (Primary) ...12Decks199Flashcards1Learner -
By: Taylor Stuard
Marx, Engels, and Weber, Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods, Feminist Theory, Demography, Crime, and Delinquency ...5Decks160Flashcards1Learner -
Research Data
Research Data
By: ileana burnias
Chapter 5 Sampling, Chapter 6 Causation and Experimentation, Chapter 7 Survey Research ...5Decks83Flashcards1Learner -
Experimental Clinical Psychology Midterm 1
Experimental Clinical Psychology Midterm 1
By: Hannah Richardson
Groundwork Lecture, Philosophical Perspectives, Foundations of Quantitative Measurement ...6Decks147Flashcards3Learners -
Sociology - Crime, Deviance and Theory + Methods (P3)
Sociology - Crime, Deviance and Theory + Methods (P3)
By: millie steele
quantitative research methods, Qualitative Research Methods, Sociology and Science ...19Decks281Flashcards1Learner -
psych - clinical
psych - clinical
By: Larissa Clement
diagnosis: 4 Ds, diagnosis: classification systems DSM IVR or DSM V & ICD, schizophrenia - symptoms & features ...32Decks216Flashcards1Learner -
Business Research Methods
Business Research Methods
By: Evnika Chinaev
Foundation of Research Methods (1), Ethics (2), Qualitative approaches to research (3) ...5Decks74Flashcards4Learners -
Theories and Methods
Theories and Methods
By: Candice Boatin
Topic 1: quantitative research methods, Topic 2: qualitative research methods, Topic 3:sociology and science ...10Decks132Flashcards3Learners -
By: Nathan Lawman
(RM) Correlations, (RM) Ethics, (RM) Sign Test ...14Decks238Flashcards1Learner -
Research methods
Research methods
By: Hodan Yusuf
Introduction 1-3, Apply, Own Research ...6Decks148Flashcards2Learners -
By: Lena C
Scientific Methods & Descriptive Statistics, Ethics, Survey Design (Reliability & Participant Biases) ...22Decks283Flashcards1Learner -
Academic Skills and Data Description Semester 2
Academic Skills and Data Description Semester 2
By: Issy Hayes
introduction, Averages and measures of spread, Tables and Graphs ...9Decks231Flashcards1Learner -
By: Charlotte Potter
Experimental Method and Quasi Experiments, Experimental Control, Validity ...8Decks159Flashcards1Learner -
By: Emerson Blanca Araman
Chapter 7: Mind-brain problem, free will and consciousness, Chapter 8: The history of applied psychology, Chapter 9: What is science? ...6Decks109Flashcards1Learner -
PS1018 - Research Design
PS1018 - Research Design
By: Liberty Forbes-Lane
Lecture 1 - Science and Communication, Lecture 2 - Theories, hypotheses and variables, Lecture 3 - Designing Experiments ...11Decks132Flashcards3Learners -
A Level Psychology
A Level Psychology
By: Thilini De Silva
Incomplete [đ§ ] Fagen et al. (elephant learning), [đ§ ] Approaches, [đ§ ] Andrade (doodling) ...32Decks490Flashcards1Learner -
Year 2 Sem 4 PAS
Year 2 Sem 4 PAS
By: Katie Smith
Data Analysis, Qualitative research methods, Dealing with bias and uncertainty ...7Decks65Flashcards3Learners -
By: Patrick McGrath
Lecture 1 - Intro, Lecture 2: Survey Methods, Lecture 3: Research Ethics ...22Decks188Flashcards3Learners -
2.1. Stats 2B
2.1. Stats 2B
By: Marietta Isfort
1 introduction to multivariate methods and statistics, 2 psychometrics and confirmatory factor analysis, 3 introduction to exploratory factor analysis ...9Decks324Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology - Research Methods
Psychology - Research Methods
By: Jovita Pereira
Aims and Hypotheses, Sampling, Variables ...24Decks298Flashcards1Learner -
Research Skills 2
Research Skills 2
By: maddie Daley
Experimental design, T-tests, Mann-Whitney U test ...13Decks214Flashcards1Learner -
By: L . B
Agency Theory, (SP), Social Imapct Theory, (SP), Factors Affecting Obedinece - Situational And Cultural Factors, (SP) ...31Decks307Flashcards1Learner -
Educational Research
Educational Research
By: Kristen Salter
Ch. 1 - Educational Research, Ch. 2 - Quantitative, Qualitative And Mixed Research, Ch. 6 - Ethics In Research ...4Decks91Flashcards3Learners -
Research Skills B1
Research Skills B1
By: Toby de Gruchy
Intro to research, Getting Started with Qualitative Research, Qualitative research design: Interviews focus, groups, and diaries ...9Decks181Flashcards1Learner -
Kwantitatief onderzoek
Kwantitatief onderzoek
By: brecht metten
Hoofdstuk 4: research problems, Hoofdstuk 7: ethics in research, Hoofdstuk 9: Quantitative research design deel 1 ...10Decks88Flashcards1Learner -
ETH1: 3.3 EMM
ETH1: 3.3 EMM
By: Stefano Imperfetti
2: Qualitative research, 4: Experimental research, 5: Measurement, scaling & sampling ...7Decks90Flashcards3Learners -
Research methods (TD)
Research methods (TD)
By: Yusif Algurair
Self-reporting data: Questionnaire design, Sample selection and techniques, Quantitative data and its analysis ...22Decks184Flashcards1Learner -
TaMoS För Hus Och AnlÀggningar
TaMoS För Hus Och AnlÀggningar
By: Malex Ă kerblom
1. Methodology, 2. Scientific Inferences, 3. Observations And Measurements ...11Decks255Flashcards1Learner -
Research Methods
Research Methods
By: Miranda Bridges
Chapter 3-Qualitative Research Methods, Chapter 4-Non-experimental Methods, Chapter 14-APA Format ...7Decks148Flashcards2Learners