Learn Thoracic Wall Anatomy
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Y1 - Anatomy of the Thorax
Y1 - Anatomy of the Thorax
By: Rebecca Doherty
Lecture 1 - Medical imaging, Lecture 2 - Thoracic wall, Lecture 3 - Bronchi, pleura, lungs and the diaphragm ...9Decks322Flashcards2Learners -
Anatomy Exam #1
Anatomy Exam #1
By: Precious Herrera
Thoracic Wall Muscles, Surface Anatomy of Thoracic Wall, Abdomen ...6Decks226Flashcards1Learner -
Functional Human Anatomy
Functional Human Anatomy
By: Amelie Therrien
Lecture 1 - Introduction to anatomy, Lecture 1 - Exam information, Lecture 2- Muscles of the thoracic wall; Pleural cavities and lungs ...24Decks382Flashcards3Learners -
FKQ Exam
FKQ Exam
By: Matei Balan
Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system: The joints, Musculoskeletal anatomy: Extrinsic muscle of the back, Musculoskeletal anatomy: Intrinsic muscles of the back. ...13Decks142Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy of the thorax:
Anatomy of the thorax:
By: Anavi Prakash
lecture 1: Orientation, Imaging and Thoracic Wall, bronchi, lungs, pleura and the diaphragm, mediastinum and imaging : ...6Decks263Flashcards2Learners -
Anatomy CP
Anatomy CP
By: Nisha Akella
Thoracic Wall and Diaphragm, Thoracic Cavity, Embryology of the Respiratory Tract ...8Decks294Flashcards1Learner -
LSS 1 - Thorax Anatomy
LSS 1 - Thorax Anatomy
By: Ecem Mimoglu
The Thoracic Wall, Bronchi, Lungs, Pleura and Diaphragm, The Mediastinum ...6Decks141Flashcards3Learners -
Cardio Week 1
Cardio Week 1
By: daniela kaissieh
ICL 1.0: Thoracic Wall, Pleura and Lungs, ICL 1.13: Mediastinum, ICL 1.1: Heart & Pericardium ...15Decks637Flashcards1Learner -
Respiratory module
Respiratory module
By: Hayley K
L1.8 Conducting and Respiratory zone microanatomy, L2. Respiratory physiology, L3. Thoracic wall anatomy ...21Decks273Flashcards1Learner -
MSS - CV Exam 1
MSS - CV Exam 1
By: Matt Stanton
Heart and Lungs - 1, Organization of the Thorax, Histology: Heart and Vessels ...14Decks944Flashcards1Learner -
Physio Anatomy
Physio Anatomy
By: Aaran P-S
Intrinsic muscles of the shoulder, Extrinsic muscles of the shoulder, Muscles of the Upper Arm ...15Decks394Flashcards2Learners -
Functional Anatomy
Functional Anatomy
By: Renae Sargent
Week 1 - Functional Anatomy, Systemic Anatomy, Terminology ...13Decks155Flashcards2Learners -
Anatomy Exam 2
Anatomy Exam 2
By: Nhukha nguyen
Thoracic Wall, Diaphragm Pleurae, Dental Anatomy Lungs ...6Decks378Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy 215
Anatomy 215
By: Megan McFarland
L2: Organization of the Body & Anatomical Nomenclature, L3: Epithelium, L4: Connective Tissue ...15Decks438Flashcards1Learner -
By: Hannah Pazvakavambwa
Respiratory System L1, Anatomy Respiratory System Videos, L7 Embryology Development of the Respiratory System ...21Decks400Flashcards2Learners -
Anatomy of the Thorax
Anatomy of the Thorax
By: Georgia Leggett
1. Introduction to imaging techniques, 2. The Thoracic Wall, 3. Bronchi, Lungs, Pleura and Diaphragm ...8Decks280Flashcards3Learners -
Cardio/Pulm 2017
Cardio/Pulm 2017
By: Adam B
10/23 Lower Respiratory Tract - Carter 2017 (Completed), 10/23 Respiratory Tract - Dennis 2017 (Completed), Guyton And Hall Physiology Review Questions ...6Decks116Flashcards9Learners -
GNK 288
GNK 288
By: Nosipho Hope
Thorax: The Pectoral Region, Thorax:Intercostal Space, Thorax: Pleurae And Lungs ...22Decks492Flashcards1Learner -
Block 3 - CV
Block 3 - CV
By: Bismah Khan
Thoracic wall and pleural cavities, overview of cardiovascular system, Anatomy thorax II ...6Decks199Flashcards1Learner -
Asthma RCM week 1
Asthma RCM week 1
By: Berivan Arikan
Overview of the anatomy of the thorax, Mechanisms of ventilation, Thoracic wall, pectoral muscles, pleural cavity, and lungs in situ ...12Decks498Flashcards1Learner -
Functional Anatomy Julia
Functional Anatomy Julia
By: Leonard Lazum
Regional and Systemic Anatomy, Bones and Classification of Bones, Movement of the Pelvis ...11Decks324Flashcards1Learner -
By: Paris A
Heart lecture 2 week 1, Development of the cardiovascular system (embryology) week 1, CV histo week 1 ...24Decks566Flashcards7Learners -
Anatomy - Thorax Part 1
Anatomy - Thorax Part 1
By: Althea Padilla
1 Basic Anatomy, Upper Extremities, 2 Structure Of The Thoracic Wall3Decks18Flashcards1Learner -
By: Dianne Castillo
Thorax, The Human Body Through Images, anatomy lab ...6Decks123Flashcards1Learner -
Anatomy - Foundation Module
Anatomy - Foundation Module
By: Ahmedh Rifky
Cellular Anatomy, Epithelium and Glands, Nerve and Muscle Anatomy ...9Decks31Flashcards5Learners -
Living Anatomy
Living Anatomy
By: Joshua Killilea
“Topography of the Thorax: The Thoracic Wall” Excerpt From: Imperial College London. “MBBS Year 1 Anatomy of the Thorax Spring Term Course Guide 2017/18”. Apple Books., bronchi, lungs, pleura and diaphragm2Decks94Flashcards6Learners -
By: Andrew Fontes
A2 Spinal Chord, A3 Back Muscles, A4 Spinal Chord ...12Decks241Flashcards1Learner -
By: Lucas Tibbs
Palmar Hand, OPP EXAM 2, Anatomy Exam IV ...21Decks324Flashcards1Learner -
By: Heli Sinnpson
Upper Limb - Muscles (1), Face - Muscles And Nerves (1.5), The Basics of Anatomy (1) ...50Decks590Flashcards10Learners -
Thoracic and Respiratory
Thoracic and Respiratory
By: Aman Sandhu
Thoracic anatomy and a basics, Interstitial and Occupational Lung Disease, Pleura, Chest wall And Diaphragm ...7Decks217Flashcards1Learner